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    Expert-Business Intelligence

    Nawras Family Member:
    As the Expert-Business Intelligence you
    will be responsible of supporting commercial in
     all their data and analysis requirements
     from DWH, defining Nawras reporting and
     analysis best practices, from designing, development

    to deployment, ensuring data integrity and
     data quality in DWH BI environment, analysing business requirements, designing and development of reporting aggregates, BI layer, analysing and dash boarding, working very closely with marketing to support their daily and monthly reporting and analysis requirements.
    Core Responsibilities:
    You will be responsible to work closely with commercial to map their data and analysis requirements into reports and analysis, ensuring the development and evolution of Nawras enterprise DWH reporting system, data modelling, report building and dashboard development, maintaining and managing DWH analysis environment.
    Responsibilities shall also include:
    * Providing training to new business users.
    * Providing expert advice and training to business users on microstrategy BI.
    * Understanding of microstrategy metadata concepts, tools and repositories and transfer the knowledge to any team member if requested by management and team.
    * Reviewing technical design documents.
    * Collaborating and manage the external consultants who work on Microstrategy for Reporting and Analysis.
    * Reviewing project plans
    * Providing daily/weekly reports to the section head regarding the same.
    * Defining data quality processes and produced documents.
    * Following-up on on-going projects and provide enhancements and best practises on existing systems.

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    ، قم بالتسجيل من خلال الضغط ادناه
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    Item Reviewed: Expert-Business Intelligence Rating: 5 Reviewed By: 66bitcoins
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