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Internationl lecturers Needed - فرصتنا دوت كوم Internationl lecturers Needed - فرصتنا دوت كوم
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    Internationl lecturers Needed

    موقع وظائف
    The School of Teaching and Learning in the College of Education at the University of Bamenda Cameroon invites applications for a two year fulltime nontenure track Lecturer. This two year position is expected to begin After approval of Job Salary is negotiable competitive and commensurate with education and experience.

    bullTeach courses in the School of Teaching and Learning with a focus on courses in the Reading Education program
    bullAssume other instructional assignments as needed by the Reading Education program

    Doctoral degree in Curriculum and Instruction with a ReadingLiterac

    Minimum of 1 years of experience teaching reading in K12 school settings

     apply now

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    Item Reviewed: Internationl lecturers Needed Rating: 5 Reviewed By: 66bitcoins
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