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    وظائف تنقيب3/3 الجزء الثالث

    تعلن صيدلية جديدة بالامرات عن حاجتها لصيدلي
    تعلن صيدلية جديدة بالامرات عن حاجتها لصيدلي لديه شهاذة في هذا المجال ويفضل ان يتوفر على خبرة.لمن يجد نفسه مهتم المرجو ان يبعث السيرة الذاتية للبريد التالي وشكرا job at instasitewizard dot com

    وظائف مبيعات وتسويق في لبنان
    انت شخص طموح؟ عندك روح القيادة وبتحب تكون مدير فريق؟ انتي ست بيت او طالبة جامعية او حتى موظفة وبدك شغل ب دوام حر مع عمولة حابيين يكون عندكم منتجات طبية وطبيعية للعناية بالبشرة ومكياج واهم العطورات العالمية دوام حر وعمولة وبونس شيك شهري ورحلات وسفرات وهدايا مستمرة وحطو ايدكم ب ايدنا بمشوار البحث عن الدهب. مع شركة fm حدودكم اللاحدود رح تكسبوا الاف الدولارات. ما تنسو الرقم​ واتساب فقط 00 961 70 137 489
    تعلن مدرسة خاصة عن حاجتها لمعلمين
    تعلن مدرسة خاصة عن حاجتها لمعلمين في المواذ التالية الرياضيات، العربية، والانجليزية.ساعات العمل على حسب عدد الاقسام المتاحة، الثمن مربح جدا.للمزيد من المعلومات المرجو ارسال السيرة الذاتية للبريد التالي
    job at instasitewizard dot com
    مطلوب معلم بسطة للعمل في قهوة في المنارة
    مطلوب معلم بسطة للعمل في قهوة في جبل المنارة طلوع عالية مقابل المؤسسة العسكرية قرب كنافة عمواس يفضل مصري الجنسيه أو سوري
    مطلوب موظفين تنصيق بضائع وترتيب ارفوف مواد غذائية شركة التميز الخليجي
    مطلوب موظفين ذوي خبراترتيب ارفوف مواد غذائية شركة التميز الخليجي شارع مادبا بجانب البنك العربي كلية حطين الدوام؛ صباحي المتوفر الاتصال الرجاء من الساعة2ظهرا لساعة4عصرا
    مطلوب عامل تنظيف
    مطلوب عامل نظافه مياومه لتنظيف اسكان شطف تكنيس .. الخ حيث ان العمل غير دائم وانما حسب المطلوب الدوام من الساعه 9 صباحا حتى الرابعه عصرا الاجرة لليوم 8 دينار.
    للتواصل عثمان الطنبور 0787845442 0799379730
    مطلوب موظفين للعمل في مطعم بيتزا
    الحضور الى المطعم وتقديم ال cv بعد الساعه 6 مساء
    اربد ارابيلا مول طابق المطاعم كارلو بيكيري
    نعتذر على الاجابه عن طريق الهاتف
    مطلوب معلم معجنات و شاورما
    مطلوب معلم معجنات و شاورما للعمل بالزرقاء بدوام جزئي أو كامل
    مطلوب سكرتيرة لشركة ملاكا للاستيراد والتصدير
    مطلوب سكرتيرة لشركة ملاكا للاستيراد والتصدير. العنوان الجبيهة، شارع ياجوز، مركز الايوب التاجري
    1 تفرغ تام للعمل.
    2 دارسة دبلوم أو بكلوريوس
    3 اجادة جيدة للمهارات الحاسوب الكمبيوتر
    4 مستوى فوق المتوسط في اللغة الانجليزية محادثة وكتابة وقراءة.
    5 اللباقة والاهتمام بالعمل.
    يرجى ارسال السيرة الذاتية على الايميل التالي ospine
    Administrative Assistant
    A well established company with offices in Ras Beirut is looking for a female administrative assistant.

    Minimum requirements
    Fluency in English
    Holding a University Degree
    Sales Engineer
    Position for an outdoors sales engineer
    مطلوب سائق خاص متفرغ تماما
    مطلوب سائق خاص متفرغ للعمل على مركبه خاصه برفقة صاحبها الدوام عشر ساعات الراتب الشهري 300 المراجعة على الخاص لو سمحتو
    مطلوب خياطة للعمل ب مخيطة بتلاع العلي تصاليح
    مطلوب خياطة يفضل من سكان المناطق المجاورة لتلاع العلي خياطة تصاليح رجالي وستاتي للعمل بمخيطة بموقع مميز
    للاستفسار 0785353206
    مندوبين مبيعات
    مطلوب مندوبين مبيعات للعمل في مجال تسويق منتج أمريكي
    التواصل من الاحد الى الخميس من الساعه 10 الى الساعه3
    الموقع شارع مكه المكرمه مقابل شركة الكهرباء عمارة اياد حداد الطابق الخامس مكتب 502
    ماركا الشمالية
    حضانه منزلية علی استعداد للعناية باطفالكم علی مدار 24 ساعه وباسعار مناسبة للجميع ماركا الشمالية حي العبداللات
    أبو بلال
    نريد قصيص عبايات لمشغل في ماركه الشماليه
    Personal Assistant
    devising and maintaining office systems including data management and filing
    arranging travel visas and accommodation and occasionally travelling with the manager to take notes or dictation at meetings or to provide general assistance during presentations
    screening phone calls enquiries and requests and handling them when appropriate
    meeting and greeting visitors at all levels of seniority
    organising and maintaining diaries and making appointments
    dealing with incoming email faxes and post often corresponding on behalf of the manager
    carrying out background research and presenting findings
    producing documents briefing papers reports and presentations
    organising and attending meetings and ensuring the manager is well prepared for meetings
    liaising with clients suppliers and other staff.

    Fluency in English
    Personal Assistant
    evising and maintaining office systems including data management and filing
    arranging travel visas and accommodation and occasionally travelling with the manager to take notes or dictation at meetings or to provide general assistance during presentations
    screening phone calls enquiries and requests and handling them when appropriate
    meeting and greeting visitors at all levels of seniority
    organising and maintaining diaries and making appointments
    dealing with incoming email faxes and post often corresponding on behalf of the manager
    carrying out background research and presenting findings
    producing documents briefing papers reports and presentations
    organising and attending meetings and ensuring the manager is well prepared for meetings
    liaising with clients suppliers and other staff.


    Fluency in English
    مطلوب موظفه تجيد العمل على الكمبيوتر
    مؤسسه الخطوة القادمة لتنظيم واقامة المعارض
    وادي صقره مقابل كازيه تواتال عماره رقم 88 الدوام من الساعه التاسعه الئ الساعه الرابعه
    أستاذ فيزيا خصوصي
    افهم المعاني الفيزيائية بتشوف الفيزيا اسهل
    معلمه لغه فرنسيه
    مدرسه لغه فرنسيه ع استعداد تدريس الطالب من صفر حتى الاحتراف ..
    أسلوب رائع ومشوق يحبب الطالب في اللغه حتى اكتسابها
    سعر الحصه 7دنانير
    مطلوب معلمين المنيوم وسيكوريت خبرة لا تقل عن 6 سنوات
    مطلوب معلمين المنيوم وسيكوريت خبرة لا تقل عن 6 سنوات
    منطقة البيادر وادي السير
    رواتب جيدة و ضمان
    مطلوب حلاق لمحل في منطقه الضليل
    حلاق بخبره ويشترط قريب من المحل
    المحل جاهز وفيه جميع الادوات
    مطلوب موظفين لشركة
    مؤسسة إعلامية نتطلع الى توظيف
    1 مصور محترف تصوير داخلى وخارجي
    2 مصمم مواقع الكثرونية .
    3 سكرتريا واعمال إدارية
    4 خبير في المجال الإعلامي والصحفي .
    Hindi tuition available urgent
    Hindi tuition available at my home.
    مطلوب موظفة مبيعات عنصر نسائي في محل adidas
    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

    مطلوب موظفة مبيعات عنصر نسائي للعمل في محل اديداس النوفليين adidas

    الفترة الصباحية من الساعة 10 صباحا حتى الساعة 6 مساء مع ساعة راحة

    الفترة المسائية من الساعة 2 ظهرا حتى الساعة 10 مساء مع ساعة راحة

    لكل من ترى في نفسها الكفاءة التامة للعمل في محل الاديداس النوفليين القدوم الى المحل وتعبيه نمودج التوظيف صورة شخصية

    والمرتب سوف يتم النقاش فيه بعد المقابلة الشخصية الحوافز والنسبة

    للاستفسار الاتصال على الرقم 0913732222
    فيزا كارد
    فيزا كارد الإيجار أو لبيع
    مطلوب طباخ وسفرادجية
    للعمل في مقهى عائلي بحي الأندلس، على ان تتوفر فيهم او فيهن حسن السيرة والسلوك وأيضاً الخبرة.
    فعلى من يجد او تجد في نفسه ا الكفاءة التواصل معنا عبر الأرقام الأتية
    0920006161 0920007171
    مدرس رياضه خبرة للثانويه العامه متقدم وتاسيسي والجامعات
    Algebra.Statistics.Calculus and Geometry وتدريس المواد العلميه للغات والدوليه والخاصه English.maths and Science
    متخصص مشاوي
    مطلوب متخصص مشاوي واكلات شعبية مصرية للعمل داخل سلطنة عمان براتب مغزي مع السكن
    جدة حي الصفا
    مطلوب معلم غربي
    سوري الجنسية
    وظائف لياقة بدنية في البحرين
    مطلوب مدرب كمال اجسام محترف وذو بنية عضلية قوية وخبرة ومؤهل للتدريب في صالة رياضية في البحرين وبحسب التالي عقد عمل لمدة سنتين او سنة سكن مجاني توفره الشركة تذكرة سفر وتكاليف الفيزا والتامين للعمل وتامين طبي للموظف على حساب الشركة. للتقدم للوظيفة يرجى ارسال السيرة الذاتية ونسخ الشهادات على الايميل​ البريد الإلكتروني hr.gym.bahrain
    وظائف مبيعات وتسويق في جدة السعودية
    مؤسسة تمويل بحاجه لمناديب تسويق وتحصيل متوفر سكن ومواصلات وبدل اتصال برواتب ونسب مجزية واستقرار وظيفي​ يرجى الإتصال قبل 12 مساءً موبايل 00 966 50 360 2427 او 00 966 50 953 1194
    Urgently part time driver available from 5pm to 10 pm available
    part time driver available from 5pm to 10 pm..interested people can cl for pick up and drop..
    مطلوب جلاقين بصالون الامير
    صالون الامير للحلاقة العصرية النوفلين
    مطلوب صيدلي للعمل في صيدلية التفاح الاخضر
    بشرط الامانة و الخبرة و الالتزام في المواعيد ...
    للتواصل مع د خالد 0926372007
    مطلوب سيدة للعمل في خياطة الستائر
    مطلوب سيده تكون لديها خبرة في خياطة الستائر و تفصيل المفارش و الامخاد هذا الشغل المعتاد الراتب و النسبه بلتفاهم
    شركة استيراد وتصدير
    للوافدات فقط
    موقع المكتب الخوض شارع مازون
    الراتب 150 ريال عمولة
    مطلوب موظف استقبال في صالة اتات لبيع المطابخ
    صالة اتات دوام كامل المكان يوجد فرع طريق زناته القديمه
    والفرع التاني عين زاره نهاية الطريق السريع
    Field Coordinator
    ماكينة كريب
    ماكينة استعمال نظيف جدا و بحالة ممتازة السعر 900 للبيع لأي استفسار 0913767474
    i need driver job
    hai.. i am from keralla. i have omand light vehicle driving licence
    مطلوب سكرتريا 10 لغاية 3 ظهرا
    مؤسسة إعلامية نتطلع الى توظيف
    1 مصور محترف تصوير داخلى وخارجي
    2 مصمم مواقع الكثرونية .
    3 سكرتريا واعمال إدارية
    4 خبير في المجال الإعلامي والصحفي .
    مطلوب مكنيكي وكهربائي وزواق سمكري للعمل
    ورشة صيانة مطلوب مكنيكي كهربائي وسمكري زواق
    نبحث عن عناصر مسعفة
    السلام عليكم اللي تبي تخدم في الدولة و عندها شهادة مسعفة اتوتيها هيا و الرقم الوطني و عدم ازداوجية عمل و تكلمني على رقمي باش انحددها موعد اتجي فيه و هدا رقمي 0923625604
    امراه عمانيه في البريمي توصل موظفات و طالبات
    امراه عمانيه في البريمي توصل موظفات و طالبات فاي وقت ..للتواصل
    Senior Project Leader
    Senior Project Leader Bahrain

    Client is a very prestigious employer in the UK and internationally requires a very capable and experienced Senior Project Leader Urban Design to be based in their clients office in Bahrain to oversee and manage the first Phase of a large housing project in Bahrain. This will be a for a very large community facilities and associated with over 1 700 homes Including the surrounding infrastructure as well as considering the wider strategic planning and design guidance for the overall site which over 700 hectares. This is very much a client facing role with responsibility for coordinating governmental ministries and other high profile figures . The successful individual will be responsible for managing the project locally from a financial scheduling and delivery perspective.

    To be successful for this role you must have experience engaging with stakeholder and organisations across various sectors including strong political acumen and influencing skills for working with senior governmental officials
    The ideal candidate will have 10 years 039 experience in the design planning and construction disciplines. Strong written and verbal communication skills with a background in dealing directly with high profile clients are required. Preference will be given to applicants with experience working with ministerial agencies on projects in Bahrain or the wider Gulf Region. Excellent verbal and written English a must preferably with knowledge of Arabic together with a Minimum of a Bachelor 039 s Degree in Architecture or Engineering with additional qualifications in Urban Design Planning and or Management advantageous
    مطلوب موظف لديه خبره بمجال السيارات
    مطلوب فورا موظف
    لديه خبره بمجال السيارات المستعمله
    بالبيع وتصليح السيارات وقطع الغيار ومتابعة السيارات لدى الكراجات
    شرط وجود رخصة قياده خاصه صالحه
    الراتب حسب الخبره
    للتواصل واتساب فقط
    مطلوب سائق باص مقفل
    مطلوب شريك على باص مقفل للعمل فى مجال الخضار والفاكهه نظام الشغل شريك بالعمل والعلاقلات فقط للاستفسار واتساب او للاتصال
    مطلوب موظف
    مطلوب فورا موظف
    لديه خبره بمجال السيارات المستعمله
    بالبيع وتصليح السيارات وقطع الغيار ومتابعة السيارات لدى الكراجات
    شرط وجود رخصة قياده خاصه صالحه
    الراتب حسب الخبره
    للتواصل واتساب فقط
    551 أظهر الرقم
    مطلوب استاذ للخيل
    مطلوب معلم خيل
    يوجد مكان لتعليم على ركوب الخيل
    مطلوب فني ستلايت خبرة
    مطلوب فني ستلايت خبرة لديه رخصه قياده وسيارة

    هاتف 24731328
    مطلوب على وجه السرعة
    مندوب تهوية مركزية وشفاطات
    1 خبرة لا تقل عن ثلاث سنوات
    2 إقامة قابلة للتحويل
    3 سيارة ورخصة قيادة
    للإتصال لأصحاب الكفائة والجادين
    التواصل 98013089
    مطلوب جراسين
    مطلوب جراسين لمطعم بالعارضيه الصناعيه. شرط أقامه قابله للتحويل. وخبرة بمجال المطاعم. توفير سكن
    Distribution Team Leader
    Preliminary Job Information

    Job Title nbsp DISTRIBUTION TEAM LEADER Livelihood Food for Training Project 1
    Duty Station nbsp YEMEN ndash Hodeida field visit to Hodeida and Raymah
    Reports to hierarchical link nbsp Livelihood activity manager
    Reports to technical link nbsp FSL Program Manager
    Creation Replacement nbsp Creation
    Expected Date Of Arrival nbsp 01 04 2017 nbsp
    Contract duration nbsp 8 months renewable with 1 month probation period
    Advertisement Announcing Date nbsp 02 03 2017
    Application Closing Date nbsp 15 03 2017 nbsp
    Application submission information nbsp Interested candidates should submit their applications by EMAIL ONLY with letter of motivation recent resume photo ID and nbsp certificates Education work trainings.. contact phone email nbsp
    General Information on the Mission
    Throughout the first decade of the 21st century Yemen has been ranked as the poorest country in the Middle East and North Africa region and one of the poorest in the world. In 2011 it was ranked 154 out of 187 countries in the UNDP Human Development Index and held to be ldquo off track rdquo or ldquo seriously off track rdquo in four of the Millennium Development Goals MDG targets. UNDP Country Programme Document 2012 2014 noted 41.8 of Yemenis live below the national poverty line and 84 are dispersed over rural settlements resulting in a higher proportion of rural poor. nbsp
    Yemen is amongst the most water deprived countries in the world according to some estimates the ground water reserves of the most critical aquifers will be exhausted within 20 years.

    Access to good quality water remains a major problem where about 50 don rsquo t have access to safe potable water contributing to a number of water related epidemics including diarrhoea. The prevalence of diarrhoea as well as ARI and fever was found to be significantly higher than the national figures with nearly one in two children reported to have had diarrhoea in the two weeks preceding the survey. Diarrhoea was significantly associated with malnutrition. nbsp
    Yemen is also blighted by persistently high levels of food insecurity and malnutrition. The 2012 Global Hunger Index based on data from 2005 to 2010 concluded that the country was the 10th most food insecure in the world ranking 70 out of 79 countries and experiencing levels of hunger described as ldquo alarming rdquo . Yemen Humanitarian Dashboard Aug. 2012 noted that food insecurity doubled over the last 2 years over 10 million people are food insecure 5 Million are severely food insecure and in need of immediate lifesaving assistance. As per CFSS 2012 nearly half of all children U5 are chronically malnourished 47 and 13 suffer from acute malnutrition which is serious. Maternal infants and child mortality and morbidity are amongst the main public health problems in Yemen. The latest reports indicated that Maternal Mortality Rate MMR was 210 per 10 000 and U5 Mortality Rate was 66 1 000 live birth with the majority in the rural areas.
    Al Hodeidah Governorate having 2.15 million population is located on coast of the Red Sea. It is Yemen rsquo s seventh largest governorate and about two thirds of its population live in rural areas. Administratively the governorate consists of 26 districts 135 sub districts and 2 304 villages. The governorate has a huge potential for investments in agriculture livestock and fisheries. It is considered among the most important agricultural locations in Yemen. Despite of potentialities advantages and the opportunities to support local livelihoods poverty is widespread. The latest SMART survey by UNICEF MoPHP says that the prevalence of acute malnutrition is above the critical emergency threshold 15 GAM SAM and MAM rates are 31.7 9.9 and 21.8 respectively. nbsp

    Raymah is the most newly created governorate in Yemen bordered by governorates of Hodeidah Dhamar and Sana rsquo a with population size of about 500 000. Administratively Raymah is comprised of 6 districts characterized by rugged nature and high mountains. Agriculture in forms of cultivation of fruits vegetables cereals and coffee as well as breeding animals and honey production are the main activities practiced by people there. The 2012 WFP CFSS survey reported the moderate and severe food insecurity of 50.6 that is close to the survey conducted in 2009. The SMART survey in Raymah indicates that GAM rate is 10.8 which is above the WHO serious threshold. The MUAC cut offs of 115 mm and 125 mm estimated that proxy GAM 13.1 and proxy SAM is 3 which classifies as critical according to FAO.

    History of the mission and current programs

    The Yemen mission is a former AMI mission that operated in Yemen from 2007 to June 2011. Implemented projects were to support the primary health system mainly in Hodeidah Governorate with a special focus on fighting against malnutrition. nbsp
    PU AMI is currently implementing malnutrition management project severe and moderated with the support from Unicef and WFP in Ad Durayhimi Al Mansoreah and As Sukhnah districts in Hodeidah Governorate and in Al Jabin and Al Jafariyah districts in Raymah Governorate. Modus operandi include support to existing primary health care centers mobiles clinics and close cooperation with CHW. In addition a food distribution program is implemented to support 55 000 IDPS in the two governorates. To complement the impact of our programs some WASH activities are realised. nbsp
    PU AMI current activities focused on

    bull nbsp nbsp nbsp Treatment of Severely Acute Malnourished children under 5 SAM through OTP services. nbsp
    bull nbsp nbsp nbsp Treatment of Moderate Acute Malnourished children under 5 MAM through SFP services
    bull nbsp nbsp nbsp Treatment of Moderate Acute Malnourished Pregnant and lactating women MAM PLW through SFP services
    bull nbsp nbsp nbsp Malnutrition prevention for children under 2 through plumpy doz distribution education to mothers and caregivers etc.
    bull nbsp nbsp nbsp Community mobilization health nutrition education
    bull nbsp nbsp nbsp Food distribution
    bull nbsp nbsp nbsp Capacity building through training workshops
    bull nbsp nbsp nbsp Networking coordination advocacy and lobbying

    Job Description
    Overall Objective
    bull nbsp nbsp nbsp He she will be responsible for the organization of the distributions food tools and seeds to the beneficiaries of the Food For Training FFT project FFT and potentially other livelihood activities.
    Tasks and Responsibilities
    Planning design of the distributions and preparation
    bull nbsp nbsp nbsp Participate in the technical design of FFT activities in relation to the distribution cycle through field information gathering community consultation and discussions with the team
    bull nbsp nbsp nbsp Ensure beneficiaries selection process and criteria are applied prior to distributions
    bull nbsp nbsp nbsp Prepare the work plan for the distributions of food seeds and tools
    bull nbsp nbsp nbsp If needed participate in other livelihoods interventions including need assessments community consultations and technical design of the intervention.
    Organizing distributions
    bull nbsp nbsp nbsp Organize the distribution of seeds tools and food according to the workplan and to PU AMI practices.
    bull nbsp nbsp nbsp Implement adapt monitor and evaluate the distribution activities of the FFT
    bull nbsp nbsp nbsp Participate in the creation or refreshment of Relief Committees prior to distributions to ensure good communication and accountability between the communities and PU AMI
    bull nbsp nbsp nbsp Propose possible improvements.
    Coordination nbsp
    bull nbsp nbsp nbsp Explain the project rsquo s activities and objectives to the partners and the population
    bull nbsp nbsp nbsp Represent the organization in meetings with the beneficiaries
    bull nbsp nbsp nbsp Work in close collaboration with other members of PUI team to ensure an integrated approach to meet the needs of the population with integration of malnutrition prevention in the programmes
    bull nbsp nbsp nbsp In the event of visits from Donors participate actively in the preparation and the smooth organization of the visit
    bull nbsp nbsp nbsp Coordination with the governorates district offices local representatives relief committees and build links and networks with representatives of stakeholders and to enhance cooperative efforts.
    bull nbsp nbsp nbsp Transmit the internal and external reports to his her immediate supervisor head of base and program coordinator while making sure to meet the internal deadlines and the external contractual deadlines project reports
    bull nbsp nbsp nbsp Contribute to the monthly report of the mission informative challenges interesting events lessons learnt food security context analysis and to the quarterly report to be transmitted to his her supervisors. nbsp
    bull nbsp nbsp nbsp Maintain quality and accuracy of the data information collected in the field
    bull nbsp nbsp nbsp Ensure documentation of project progress monitoring and evaluation framework
    bull nbsp nbsp nbsp Keep the Livelihoods AM informed of the activities problems and success
    Security nbsp
    bull nbsp nbsp nbsp Contribute to the collection of information relating to the safety in the intervention areas and reports to the head of base
    bull nbsp nbsp nbsp Ensure that the project the methodology and the selection criteria do not endanger the beneficiaries PU AMI rsquo s staff or any other person
    bull nbsp nbsp nbsp Immediately alert its hierarchy in case of endangerment of the team or the beneficiaries.
    In General the FFT Distribution Supervisor has to remain flexible and to perform other duties as required for the good care of beneficiaries. nbsp
    General Organization of the work nbsp
    • Direct management Casual workers during distribution
    • Indirect management nbsp
    • Directly Reports to Livelihoods Activity Manager nbsp
    • Indirectly Reports to FSL Program Manager Required Profile
      Required knowledge and skills
    وظائف تنقيب
    The International Committee of the Red Cross ICRC is a neutral and independent humanitarian organisation which works to protect the lives and dignity of victims of armed conflicts and to alleviate suffering as a result of war. Please visit for more information.
    The ICRC is looking for suitable candidate to fill the position of
    Work Place Sa rsquo ada
    Main tasks
    • Handles independently store keeping activities for ICRC medium large operation and or for specific sectors including store organization
    • Executes various administrative tasks
    • Executes independently monthly and periodical inventories
    • Supervises Storekeeper 2 if existent Selection requirements
      • Degree in Logistic or administration with relevant trainings in specialised field
      • 4 years work experience in a similar field
      • Good command of written and spoken English
      • Good capacity for negotiation and communication
      • Team Player and analytical skills
      • Good computer skills Word and Excel and good internet user
      • Rigorous and trustful person
      • Willingness to learn
      • Accurate and honest
      • Flexibility able to work under stressful situations with extensive working hours
      • Good presentation
        Interested candidates should send the following A letter of motivation in English A detailed C.V. in English Copy only of the highest academic degree obtained work certificates Only short listed candidates will be contacted Please send your applications by email to sad saada nbsp indicating in the subject line Storekeeper
    مطلوب مهندس تكييف لمدة ثلاثة شهور
    مطلوب مهندس تكييف خبرة 3 سنة للعمل لمدة ثلاثة دوام كامل للاستفسار يرجي الاتصال علي 99498801
    Captain Waiter Waitress
    Excellent communication Skills
    One to Two years' experience preferably in Hotels
    English or French is a must
    Willing to work a flexible
    BURJ on BAY Hotel located in Tabarja near Casino du Liban
    Electrical Engineer Construction and Contracting Lebanon
    Primary Duties and Responsibilities

    • Prepare Electrical Shop Drawings of the project and their submittals
    • Carry on MEP coordination tasks
    • Coordinate with all trades to prioritize tasks and set plans into action
    • Lead and manage the different teams of sub contractors foremen technicians
    • Prepare and hold daily field inspections to ensure right completion of various electrical installations throughout all phases
    • Test the electrical systems when they are installed
    • Check electrical materials at site order any missing needed ones and follow up their delivery status
    • Resolve discrepancies between shop drawings and site conditions as well as implement adjustments to as built drawings
    • Report work progress to management

    Qualifications required

    • Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering
    • 6 7 years of experience in Construction and Contracting domain
    Travel Agent
    As a Travel Agent you will be responsible of
    Promoting and Marketing the business
    Dealing with customer queries and complaints
    Providing advice about visas or passports
    Managing budgets
    Maintaining statistical and financial records
    Planning selling holidays and insurance
    Meeting profit or sales targets
    Preparing promotional materials and displays
    سمير عبدو. رخص خاص. 60336801
    سمير عبدو. رخص.خاص
    Grants Administrative Assistant Lebanon Community Resilience Initiative LCRI Lebanon

    Grants Administrative Assistant Lebanon Community Resilience
    Initiative  LCRI Lebanon
    Position Summary
    The LCRI Grants Administrative Assistant is part of the LCRI Operations team that is responsible for all office and technical support functions as well as providing direct support to technical implementation. The Grants Admin Assistant performs administrative and procurement support activities for the grant management unit GMU . Duties may include basic Arabic English translation vendor coordination and filing. Software skills and strong communication skills are required.
    Please note Only Lebanese citizens are eligible for this position.
    Position Summary
    The LCRI Grants Administrative Assistant is part of the LCRI Operations team that is responsible for all office and technical support functions as well as providing direct support to technical implementation. The Grants Admin Assistant performs administrative and procurement support activities for the grant management unit GMU . Duties may include basic Arabic English translation vendor coordination and filing. Software skills and strong communication skills are required.
    • Support administrative budgetary procurement and logistical activities as requested by the GMU or required by the grants manager.
    • Develop and maintain friendly open and professional relationships with fellow GMU members and LCRI partners.
    • Organize scan file and archive information as needed related to grants and activity administration.
    • Support the maintenance of accurate up to date and complete program and grant documentation in electronic hard copy and back up copies including regular organization of grant files on the LCRI server and activity database.
    • Prepare service agreement packages for grantee staff trainers and consultants for review and approval by the grants manager and deputy chief of party DCOP .
    • Track milestones and deliverables submitted under grants.
    • Assist in developing grant budgets as needed.
    • Assist in obtaining and organizing supporting procurement documentation.
    • Serve as an effective liaison between the GMU and the finance team to provide documentation needed to issue payments related to activities.
    • Attend GMU meetings and other meetings and provide note taking support as requested.
    • Assist with grant closeout checklist to ensure completed grants are closed out properly and in a timely manner.
    • Assist with special projects and tasks in support of the GMU technical team or other staff members as needed.
    • Any other assignments which may be determined by the grants manager and DCOP
    • Maintain absolute discretion and professionalism towards all confidential matters discussed within the office and which one might encounter in the execution of their duties. Qualifications
      • College degree in a relevant field.
      • 0 3 years of professional experience.
      • Experience using Excel and Word.
      • Highest standards of integrity professionalism and impartiality.
      • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills writing and speaking .
      • Task and detail oriented and able to work independently and within a team to meet deadlines.
      • Highly organized work a fast paced environment
      • Fluency in English and Arabic French desired but not required .
      • Lebanese citizenship.

    BACKGROUND The International Rescue Committee IRC responds to the world's worst humanitarian crises and helps people to survive and rebuild their lives. Founded in 1933 at the request of Albert Einstein the IRC offers lifesaving care and life changing assistance to refugees forced to flee from war or disaster. At work today in over 40 countries and 22 U.S. cities we restore safety dignity and hope to millions who are uprooted and struggling to endure. The IRC leads the way from harm to home.
    The humanitarian situation in Libya has deteriorated since the 2014 civil war. 1.3 million people require urgent health assistance including an estimated 700 000 IDPs and 1 million refugees and migrants. In response the IRC launched an emergency program in September 2016 in Libya which aims to provide life saving medical care medicines and medical supplies to Libyans and non Libyans and in doing so strengthen the capacity of the Ministry of Health. At present the IRC is conducting these activities in Misrata.
    SCOPE OF WORK The IRC seeks an experienced field office manager with significant humanitarian operations experience to manage the IRC's field offices staff and operations. The individual must have previous experience working in volatile environments that feature ongoing insurgencies and or open conflict. The Field Coordinator will supervise staff manage the office premises negotiate access with local authorities and contribute to program design and implementation. The Field Coordinator will report to the Country Director and be based in the IRC's Misrata field office with regular travel to the IRC's Tripoli administrative office and occasional travel to Tunis.
    Field Office Management
    • Lead regular all staff meetings among programs security and supply chain staff.
    • Supervise staff from programs supply chain HR security and finance.
    • Draft reports and provide verbal updates to the Country Director.
    • Represent the IRC in meetings with local authorities donors journalists and other humanitarian agencies.   Operations Management
      • Manage IRC field offices in Tripoli and Misrata and others that may open.
      • Orient train supervise and mentor operations staff.
      • Manage field operational budgets and liaise closely with finance to monitor cash flow projections review financial reports and track program spending.
      • Responsible for safety and security of IRC staff assets and premises in coordination with the IRC Libya Security Manager and ensure consistent review and updating of security management plans.  Program Management
        • Ensure timely and quality program implementation reporting and monitoring.
        • Provide day to day supervision of field based program staff in coordination with the IRC sector leads.
        • Contribute to assessments program design and budgeting.
        • Ensure programs are in compliance with IRC donor and national requirements.  
          • Humanitarian professional with at least five years field experience.
          • At least two years relevant experience managing a field office or sub office.  
          • Experience in operations including security procurement and fleet management.
          • Experience with access negotiations and relationship building with local authorities.
          • Experience in staff supervision performance management and coordination.
          • Familiarity with humanitarian programs including health and protection.
          • Excellent computer skills including Microsoft Excel and Word.
          • Must have the ability to work with a broad spectrum of people and represent the IRC.
          • Fluency in Arabic and English.
          • Experience in Libya is a major asset.  
            The IRC workers must adhere to the values and principles outlined in the IRC Way Standards for Professional Conduct.  These are Integrity Service and Accountability.  In accordance with these values the IRC operates and enforces policies on Beneficiary Protection from Exploitation and Abuse Child Safeguarding Anti Workplace Harassment Fiscal Integrity and Anti Retaliation.
            Position reports to Country Director
            Position directly supervises Health Manager Supply Chain Manager Security Manager HR Manager Finance Manager
            Other internal Emergency Health Coordinator Finance Controller

    • A degree in an agronomy nutrition or livelihoods related discipline rural development sociology economy etc.
    • Training in Project Management
    Professional Experience
    Experience in organizing and running distributions especially for food.
    Experience on humanitarian development interventions including targeting of beneficiaries community mobilization.
    • Experience in a Food Security and Livelihood program food assistance cash based programming livelihoods support hellip
    • Preferably experience in humanitarian INGOs NGOs.
    • Prior experience on kitchen gardening preferable. Assets
      • Experience with cash transfer programs
      • Experience collaborating with local partner organizations. nbsp
    Knowledge amp Skills
    Good community mobilization skills
    Individual and group capacity building skills good facilitation skills.
    Understanding of and commitment to humanitarian principles and minimum standards such as Red Cross Code of Conduct
    Knowledge of nutrition programmes prevention and treatment of malnutrition is an asset
    Knowledge of Hodeida and Raymah governorates is an asset
    Arabic oral and writing
    English oral and writting
    Computer literacy
    Required Personal Characteristics fitting into the team suitability for the job and assignment
    bull nbsp nbsp nbsp Able to work independently and good team player.
    bull nbsp nbsp nbsp Reliable and punctual
    bull nbsp nbsp nbsp Flexible and committed nbsp
    bull nbsp nbsp nbsp Ability amp willingness to travel to the field
    bull nbsp nbsp nbsp Ability to work with in a team but also in an autonomous way
    bull nbsp nbsp nbsp Works well under pressure and in meeting deadlines
    bull nbsp nbsp nbsp Strong interpersonal and communication skills
    bull nbsp nbsp nbsp Highly organized with excellent ability to coherently lead diverse spread out teams. nbsp
    If you believe that you have the qualifications and skills to excel in this position please send a one page cover letter and CV in Arabic by email to yemhr.puami no later than 15th March 2017 or drop them at PU AMI rsquo s office in Hodeidah. Only short listed candidates will be contacted. nbsp Please mention the job title in the Email Subject Field.
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    Item Reviewed: وظائف تنقيب3/3 الجزء الثالث Rating: 5 Reviewed By: 66bitcoins
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