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    وظائف تنقيب 3/3 الجزء الثالث

    مطلوب عمل مصري للعمل في مخبز
    مطلوب عمل مصري للعمل في مخبز في عمان جبل النصر

    مطلوب معلم حلويات شرقي غربي خارج الاردن
    ان يكون ذو خبرة وحرفية بلعمل على من يرى في نفسه إبداع بلحلويات يكتب ملخص عن نفسه بتعليق وراح اتصل فيك .... شكر
    مطلوب مدربة محادثة انجليزي
    مطلوب مدربة لغة انجليزية شريطة ان تكون بخبرة في مجال التدريب ولائقة المظهر والشخصية للعمل جزئي للاستفسار
    شريكة إدارية ومالية
    مطلوب شريكة
    1 العمر من 40 55
    2 أن تكون سيدة متفرعة للعمل
    3 لديها خبرة لا تقل عن سنتين
    4 يفضل من لديها إلمام باللغة الإنجليزية كتابة ومحادثة
    5 لديها استعداد للسفر حسب متطلبات العمل
    6 الجنسية الأردنية ويمكن حاملة الجنسية المزدوجة
    العمل في مجال الاستيراد والتصدير في مجال مستحضرات التجميل ولوازم الأسرة .
    للجادين فقط إرسال cv لتحديد موعد المقابلة
    مطلوب موظفه اداريه لشركة تجميل
    مطلوب موظفه لدى شركة عطور ومكياج بدوام كامل او جزقي لﻷستفار يرجى المراسله عبر الواتس اب على الرقم 0780926267
    مطلوب موظفه للاعمال حره
    مطلوب موظفه متفرغه لاعمال حره
    مطلوب حلاق
    مطلوب حلاق معلم للعمل بصالون بمرج الحمام
    بنسبة50 50
    مطلوب موظفات فورا برواتب عالية
    مطلوب موظفات
    ادخال بيانات
    علاقات عامة
    مطلوب كوافير حلاق رجالي لضمان كرسي
    مطلوب حلاق لضمان كرسي في صالون حلاقة رجالي في موقع حيوي على الشارع الرئيسي في منطقة الرابية .
    وظائف ادارة في البحرين
    مطلوب موظفه في مكتب تخليص على وجه السرعة في رفاع الشرقي الدوام كامل والراتب عقب المقابله​ موبايل واتساب 00 973 6666 2636 البريد الإلكتروني alruwai2014
    مطلوب شاب للعمل في مطعم سندوتشات
    مطلوب شاب خلوق للعمل في مطعم سندوتشات وسيتم تعليمه كل شي...من لاخير نبي شاب نتق فيه بنسلمه المطعم كأنه ليه وانديرله نسبه......من يجد في نفسه الكفائه ارجو الاتصال بجديه.....المطعم في كرزاز
    graphic designer face painting for kids. in schools birthdays restaurants and malls
    A professional face painting on faces for kids .2 to 3 hours 200
    مطلوب ممرضتان وفنية مختبر
    يعلن مركز الشفاء الطبي بالشقيقة الجبل الغربي عن حاجته للعدد 2ممرضة وفنية مختبر ممن لديهن الخبرة والكفاءة التامة فى مجال عملهن والرغبة في العمل
    مهندسه معماريه بسعار مرضيه للجميع
    تصميم خرائط معماريه وانشائه
    2d 3 d
    بسعار مناسبه للزبون و للمكاتب هندسيه
    متر معماري 1.5 د وانشائي 1 د وديكور خارجي 2 د
    والتوفيق للجميع
    سائق كرين
    مطلوب معلم بسطة 2 جرسون للعمل في مطعم
    مطلوب فورا... معلم بسطة 2 جرسون للعمل في مطعم بمنطقة بنيد القار
    1. اقامة قابلة للتحويل
    2. دفتر صحة
    مطلوب موظفه لمحل عطور ومواد زينه
    السلام عليكم
    تكون عندها خلفيه في تعامل مع الزبون وخبره في هذا المجال في نص دوام ودوام كامل
    محل ف غوط الشعال وشكرا
    والرجاء لجادين فقط
    مطلوب موظفين لمصنع اوركيد لمواد التنظيف
    نرغب في مسوقين بسياراتهم لتسويق الوركينة والصوابين بانواعها مقابل نسبة او مرتب حسب الاتفاق
    والله ولي التوفيق
    للاستفسار 0925244818 رمضان
    وظائف سائق في لبنان
    مطلوب سائق للعمل على سيارة اجرة نمرة حمرا الدوام 6 صباحاً لل 6 مساءً او 6 مساءً لل 6 صباحاً للمزيد من المعلومات يرجى التواصل​ موبايل 00 961 70 674 969
    مطلوب دكتور بشري او صيدلة او اسنان
    مطلوب دكتور بشري او صيدلة او اسنان للعمل في صيدلية في غوط الشعال علي ان يكون عنده خيرة وخادم قبل
    من الساعة 7 11 ليلا يوميا او يوم بعد يوم وحتي الجمعة
    تعليم سياقه للنساء والرجال
    إتحاد المدربين لتعليم السياقه
    تعلم قيادة المركبه على يد مدربين ذو خبرة في مجال تعليم السياقه
    كما يوجد لدينا مدربات ومدربين للجير الاتوماتيك في حالة الرغبه للنساء
    والجير العادي للرجال
    نقوم بالتنسيق مع المتدرب او المتدربه على حسب وقت فراغه
    حيث لا يؤثر التدريب على عمله
    وايضاً بالنسبه للطلبه او الطالبات نقوم بالتنسيق معه على حسب وقت فراغه حتى اثناء اليوم الدراسي في حالة وجود ساعات فراغ بين المحاضرات
    وبالنسبه لطالبات فالسكن يتم التنسيق مع الطالبه ولي امرها وعمل تصريح للمدرب او المربه للخروج... أقرأ المزيد
    إتحاد المدربين لتعليم السياقه
    تعلم قيادة المركبه على يد مدربين ذو خبرة في مجال تعليم السياقه
    كما يوجد لدينا مدربات ومدربين للجير الاتوماتيك في حالة الرغبه للنساء
    والجير العادي للرجال
    نقوم بالتنسيق مع المتدرب او المتدربه على حسب وقت فراغه
    حيث لا يؤثر التدريب على عمله
    وايضاً بالنسبه للطلبه او الطالبات نقوم بالتنسيق معه على حسب وقت فراغه حتى اثناء اليوم الدراسي في حالة وجود ساعات فراغ بين المحاضرات
    وبالنسبه لطالبات فالسكن يتم التنسيق مع الطالبه ولي امرها وعمل تصريح للمدرب او المربه للخروج من السكن للتدريب
    نقوم بالتدريب من الساعه 6 صباحاً حتى الساعه 10 ليلا ما عليك سوى ان تختار وقت فراغك وتبلغنا قبل مده لعمل لك جدول للتدريب
    مكان التدريب الخوض المعبيله الموالح الحيل السيب
    مطلوب موظفه خبرة بالصبغات وعلاجات الشعر
    من داخل الكويت من اي جنسيه لتواصل للعلم لصالون راقي 66565620
    مطلوب فنيي في بع المجالات
    السلام عليكم
    مطلوب فنيين للعمل بعقد سنوي في مدينة طرابلس مع الشركة الليبية الالمانية في المجالات الاتية
    نجار خشب
    فني طلاء
    فني كهرباء صناعية وتشغيل مولدات
    Outdoor Sales Person
    Needed outdoor sales person to show our new program on outlet boutique and optics shops
    The following product is a service for these shops to upgrade there business
    Regional Sales Manager
    Responsible for supporting growth of HSF's SMB business through the Distribution channel in Saudi Arabia but will also lead the Business Development of the CH business across the respective countries. The role will require the candidate to work across internal functions so as to create a coordinated approach to the customers.
    The fundamental purpose for this position is work as a team member with the Commercial Leader – SMB amp CH to grow sales and build distributor relationships. This position will be the front line contact between the company and the customer. The candidate will drive an aggressive growth plan by primarily focusing on developing a strong network of distributers end users contractors consultants and other key stakeholders across the region who fit or work within the segment and who seek the solutions and value that HSF can offer.
    • Identify new business opportunities to grow in adjacent verticals or with new applications in existing verticals that fit the segment criteria. Specific emphasis should be given to areas where the business can clearly differentiate itself by providing unique value based solutions.
    • Develop new strategic partnerships with distributers so as to strengthen the company's ability and reach into the segment. Also work with existing partners to look at how we can extend our scope of supply.
    • Clearly translate customer needs into optimal solutions that HSF can provide ensuring that through each step of the process we are constantly engaged with the customer and other stakeholders to fine tune the solutions being offered be able to clearly demonstrate where and how we meet their needs how we are adding value and why we differ from the competition.
    • Develop long term relationships with key clients with particular emphasis on end users consultants and contractors who can provide a recurring revenue project pipeline
    • In conjunction with your Commercial Leader prepare and agree annual sales plans that reflect the maximum growth opportunity for the forthcoming period within the region segment verticals and across all product groups. Also put in place the requisite action plans required to execute this successfully.
    • In conjunction with sales marketing and the factories plan promote and launch new products and solutions into the market in a timely and consistent manner. Ensure that each new product has clear messaging and a strong value proposition and that the opportunity to improve price and profitability is understood and maximised.
    • In conjunction with your Commercial Leader conduct periodic business reviews with all customers to look at performance versus plan and previous year new projects and customer opportunities the win loss ratio NPI take up pricing and any other areas deemed relevant or necessary to drive growth. Take actions to stem poor performance and or maximise on new opportunities
    • Working with the Commercial Excellence team to ensure that all customer agreements are up to date that they reflect the products that they can sell and the regions segment's verticals that they can sell them into.
    • Working with the Technical Services Leader ensure that all customers have the right amount of engineers trained on the various products that they sell and install. This includes making sure they carry out any periodic update training for new products or SW variants as required.
    • In conjunction with the Customer amp Product Support Leader ensure that we have the right level of qualified project support including pre sales applications project management FAT SAT training and after sales so we can fully support a project from inception to handover.
    • In conjunction with Marcomms ensure that there is regular communication and contact with all customers through mail shots bulletins the web site and other media to ensure we develop and grow the "connectivity" awareness and sense of partnership as well as excitement about our products solutions and support services. Experience amp Qualifications
      • Degree standard qualification preferably in business marketing engineering and or science
      • Minimum of 5 years' experience of working on projects within the SMB or projects segment with focus on end users contractors and consultants
      • Experience of working within the CH space and working with Telco's and CMS providers preferred.
      • Minimum of 5 years' contract and tender management experience including compliance statements design submittals and documentation project terms and conditions scheduling resources and materials and managing supply chain third parties and complex payment schedules.
      • Experience of putting together business plans ideally within the security fire safety and public address space.
      • Awareness of the various EN NFPA codes of practice relating to the industry considered an advantageous.
      • Experience of the construction project cycle process from conception to delivery.
      • High level of presentation skills with the ability to deliver a clear message or proposition to audiences of various sizes and with varying interests and requirements.
      • High competence in standard MS Office applications including Word Excel and PowerPoint.
      • Competent use of e mail and the Internet.
      • Experience of using or similar CRM tools
      • Strong people skills able to listen and ask appropriate questions in order to clearly define customer needs and expectations and then able to articulate the customer needs in a concise manner.
      • Pro active "can do" approach to the role and the customers. Hunter not Farmer!
      • Able to articulate a strong value proposition and capture the maximum revenue relative to the next best alternative.
      • Self motivated team player able to work under own initiative as well as in a multi cultural team spanning numerous time zones and cultures.
      • High degree of self awareness recognising the impact that approach and behaviours can have on customers peers and other internal and external contacts.
      • Solid level of business acumen able to demonstrate a clear understanding of the market and customer needs.
      • High level of written and verbal communication skills capable of adapting style and tone according to the situation and audience
      • Demonstrates a high level of planning amp organisation skills on a daily basis
      • Aware and able coaching skills with the ability to quickly identify potential issues and areas for improvement within their team and address constructively
      • Demonstration of the 12 Honeywell Behaviours Job Sales
        Title Regional Sales Manager
        Location SAU 12 Jeddah
        Requisition ID 00346797
    Required Hotel Restaurant workers
    Required Cashier waiter waitress front desk Supervisor store Keeper chef receptionist Bartender accountant house keeping room attendance ware housing Driver Barman hotel restaurant manager secretary assistant management pasty chef ice scream and juice maker. send cv at ......... mf130930
    ميناء الحصن
    تصوير حفلات وسهرات شباب بافضل الاسعار
    احدث الكميرات GDفونوغراف لتصوير حفلات سهرات اعيد ميلاد تخرج اسعار مناسبة جدا لتواصل 0787173875
    Hindi tuition available urgent
    Hindi tuition available at my home.
    Product Manager Oncology MPS ME
    Job Description Summary
    Job Description
    Position Summary €" Position will be responsible for business development in ME. The scope of this role will include Business development in the governmental and private segments alliance management pricing strategies stakeholder mapping and management working with association and medical societies setting growth plan etc. Domain oncology domain including HDS safety cannula €" accessories inside oncology centers in ME €" supporting new countries in MEO Key responsibilities Strategic · Identify growth opportunities and ensure execution of strategic plans to accelerate the growth in ME · Tender management optimization in MENA · Lead HEOR approach in the key oncology centers · Solution selling to oncology centers strategy and tactics · Leading the pricing strategy through establishing and adjusting selling prices to end users in different channels. · Work closely with the clinical team to generate local data in MENA · Marketing business plan of oncology segment · Stakeholder mapping payers Policy makers purchasing directors and procurement heads · Develop and engage Key opinion leaders Advocacy and awareness for high risk patients. · Supporting growth plan and business development in Middle East other countries. · Working cross platform to optimize full solution selling Operational · Stakeholder identification classification and management. · Sales follow up forecasting and distributor alignment · Training and education programs · Deployment of the pricing strategies in ME country · Guide a highly engaged distributors €™ commercial team to strengthen the brand equity and identify growth opportunities. · Development of business and operating plans in liaison with business leadership. · Tender management identify all possible opportunities and develop strategy in Liaison with country business manager · Account mapping for market segments and identification of business Potential · Distributors training
    Primary Work Location
    SAU Riyadh Centria Office Building
    Additional Locations
    Work Shift
    BD is a leading global medical technology company that creates medical technology devices and laboratory equipment for a variety of needs across the healthcare continuum. At BD we are looking for candidates who possess passion innovative solutions and a commitment to our one mission of improving access to groundbreaking medical and biotechnology services for people near and far delivering state of the art technology and cutting edge research in the battle to fight and cure infectious diseases. With a global reach that extends across 50 countries worldwide our network of professionals collaborates on effective measures to deliver enhanced patient quality such as lower health care delivery costs improved health care and safety and expanded health care for all. Join our company and see how you can become a part of one global mission to make a difference in human health.
    Read More »
    Income Auditor Crowne Plaza Riyadh ITCC
    An Income Auditor is responsiblefor balancing all daily work turned in by the Food and Beverage outletsincluding but not limited to verifying all settlements and revenue totals byoutlets correcting variances and reviewing F amp B totals in the system andposting adjustments as needed. Specifically you would be responsible forperforming the following tasks to the highest standards
    • Verifies all Food and Beverage charges and postings. Balances all charges to register tapes and Micros report reviews Food and Beverage summary.
    • Prepares various Food and Beverage reports including but not limited to food and beverage summary banquet spreadsheets and ticket sales reports.
    • Verifies and balances all credit card transactions to on the Net and MICROS. Also maintains all F amp B Audit Files.
    • Investigates all variances and posts corrections
    • Performs other duties and responsibilities as assigned Qualifications
      • Fluent In English
      • 2 years experience in same position Job Finance amp Business Support
        Location Saudi Arabia Riyadh
        Requisition ID RIY000784
    ASSISTANT F amp B MANAGER Holiday Inn Salmiya Kuwait
    Job Summary Under the direction of the Director of Food and Beverage or delegate and within the limits ofestablished InterContinental Hotels Group Policies and Procedures assists in overseeing and directing allaspects of the Food and Beverage operation. Promotes the desired work culture around Our Winning Ways
    • Controls and analyses on an on going basis the following
    • Sales
    • Costs
    • Quality and presentation of food and beverage products
    • Service standard
    • Condition and cleanliness of facilities and equipment
    • Quality of entertainment
    • Guest satisfaction
    • Marketing
    • Assists Manager in developing popular menus and beverage lists offering guests value for money in accordance with IHG guidelines.
    • Participates in the preparation of the hotel's revenue plan and marketing programs
    • Monitors local competitors and compare their operation with the hotel Food and Beverage operation
    • Under the assistance of the senior Finance Manager co ordinate the preparation of the Departmental annual budget and work to achieve the budget by monitoring and controlling the departmental operations considering revenue and expenditure
    • On an ongoing basis control and analyses departmental costs to ensure performance against budget implementing corrective measures where necessary to produce positive business results
    • Effectively manage staffing costs by preparing efficient work schedules in line with legal requirements PEOPLE
      • Assumes the duties and responsibilities of the Director of Food and Beverage or Food and Beverage Manager in his her absence
      • Assists Manager in planning and organizing successful Food and Beverage activities in the hotel and overseas
      • Conducts daily briefings Food and Beverage Meetings and other meetings as needed to obtain optimal results
      • Attends and participates to other meetings as required by the administrative calendar
      • Assists Manager in keeping an up dated Hotel Policies and Procedures file and up dated files on all Food and Beverage matters
      • Assists Manager in setting Food and Beverage goals and developing strategies procedures and policies
      • Assists Manager in determining the minimum and maximum stocks of all food beverage material and equipment
      • Assists Manager in settings standards of all food Beverage and equipment purchases in accordance with IHG guidelines
      • Work within the company s Human Resource Management System to ensure the departmental performance of staff is productive. Duties include
      • Plan for future staffing needs
      • Recruit in line with company guidelines
      • Prepare detailed induction programs for new staff
      • Maintain a comprehensive current and guest focused set of departmental standards and procedures and oversee their implementation
      • Ensure training needs analysis of your departmental staff is carried out and training programs are designed and implemented to meet needs
      • Actively work at developing your staff and identify high potentials
      • Maintain training records for all direct reports and ensure they do the same for their staff
      • Conduct probation and formal performance appraisal in line with company guidelines
      • Coach counsel and discipline staff providing constructive feedback to enhance performance
      • Approve leave requests after considering peaks and troughs in the business GUEST EXPERIENCE
        • Demonstrate service attributes in accordance with industry expectations and company standards including
        • Being attentive to Guests
        • Accurately and promptly fulfilling Guests requests
        • Anticipate Guests needs
        • Maintain a high level of knowledge which affects the Guest experience
        • Demonstrating a service attitude
        • Taking appropriate action to resolve guest complaints
        • Appreciate the dynamic nature of the Hotel industry and extend these service attributes to all internal customers
          • Assists in managing the day to day operation of the Food and Beverage sections and informs the Director of Food and Beverage or designate of any major decision taken which did not require his her action and any other relevant information
          • Maintains knowledge of trends systems practices and equipment in food and beverage through trade literature hotel show and site visits
          • Performs related duties and special projects as assigned Qualifications
    Required Skills
    Demonstrated ability to interact with customers employees and third parties that reflects highly on the hotel the brand and the Company.
    Problem solving reasoning motivating organizational and training abilities.
    Proficient in the use of Microsoft Office
    Good writing skills
    Bachelor s degree or Hotel Management Business Administration or related field preferred.
    3 5years related experience or an equivalent combination of education and experience
            • Able to converse and write in English and Arabic
            • Kuwait Driving License not mandatory but an added advantage
            • Preferably candidates residing in Kuwait Expats or locals Job Sales
              Location Kuwait Kuwait City
              Requisition ID KUW001488
    مطلوب عامل نظافه لمطعم بالفححيل اي جنسيه
    مطلوب عامل نظافه لمطعم بالفححيل اي جنسيه
    شرط التحويل
    شركه تجاره الكهرباء والاناره
    مطلوب بنات مندوب مبيعات جمله في مجال الكهرباء والإنارة
    مطلوب موظف صغير بلعمر للعمل في سوبر ماركت
    مطلوب صبي للعمل في سوبر ماركت في مرج الحمام
    على ان يكون صغير العمر لتوصيل الطلبات الى الزبائن في البيوت وان يكون نشيط
    توصيل موظفين
    على استعداد لتوصيل موظفين من طبربور الي البيادر يوميا خط السير من طبربور
    عامل مطعم شعبي
    مطلوب عامل لمطعم شعبي حمص فول فلافل جاهز ومجهز بكل الأدوات. يقع في بلدة سوف على الشارع الرئيسي وفي منطقه حيويه
    Country Leader E amp ES
    Responsibilities Responsible for total revenue and margins of E amp ES KSA BCS EP amp MK Cable Management Providing regular and accurate forecasting on health of sales revenue for KSA Facilitation of and member of Board of MK Cable Management Maintaining good relationships with MK Cable JV Partners Conducting Leadership meetings at Board of MK Cable and escalating issues to EMEA ISC and E amp ES regional leadership Developing relationships with Government Ministries ie MOI MOD and Ministries of Housing Health and Education Drive SFDC excellence across all LOBs Drive demand generation activities across Consultants MEP and developers Maintaining relationships with Distributors System Integrators and provide support where required Advising E amp ES ME leadership of any issues faced by MK Cable Management Channel expansion across Saudi Managing and developing the sales force in country Coordinating with BCS LOBs and functions in E amp ES ME Regular presence in and support to key accounts in all regions of the country Overall responsibility for driving sales revenue and growth for E amp ES in KSA
    Experience amp Qualifications Bachelors Degree in Engineering Mechanical or Electrical MBA preferred 15 years commercial experience Strong knowledge of KSA market Excellent leadership skills Experience in working with infrastructure projects Construction industry experience is essential Strong network and experience in working with Government sectors
    Job Sales
    Title Country Leader E amp ES
    Location SAU 09 Riyadh
    Requisition ID 00346754
    Accounts Receivable Crowne Plaza Riyadh ITCC
    • Postsrevenues by verifying and entering transactions form lock box and localdeposits.
    • Updatesreceivables by totaling unpaid invoices.
    • Maintainsrecords by microfilming invoices debits and credits.
    • Verifiesvalidity of account discrepancies by obtaining and investigating informationfrom sales trade promotions customer service departments and from customers
    • Resolvesvalid or authorized deductions by entering adjusting entries.
    • Resolvesinvalid or unauthorized deductions by following pending deductions procedures.
    • Resolvescollections by examining customer payment plans payment history credit line coordinating contact with collections department.
    • Summarizesreceivables by maintaining invoice accounts coordinating monthly transfer toaccounts receivable account verifying totals preparing report.
    • Protectsorganization's value by keeping information confidential.
    • Updatesjob knowledge by participating in educational opportunities.
    • Accomplishesaccounting and organization mission by completing related results as needed. Qualifications
      • Fluent English
      • 2 years experience in same position Job Accounting
        Location Saudi Arabia Riyadh
        Requisition ID RIY000785
    Accounts Payable Crowne Plaza Riyadh
    • Review all invoices for appropriate documentation and approvalprior to payment
    • Prioritize invoices according to cash discount potential andpayment terms
    • Process check requests
    • Audit and process credit card bills
    • Match invoices to checks obtain all signatures for checks anddistribute checks accordingly
    • Respond to all vendor inquiries
    • Reconcile vendor statements research and correct discrepancies
    • Assist in month end closing
    • Maintain files and documentation thoroughly and accurately inaccordance with company policy and accepted accounting practices
    • Assist with other projects as needed Qualifications
      • 2 years of AccountsPayable experience
      • Good English
      • Must be well organized and a self starter
      • Must be able to follow standard filing procedures
      • Detail oriented professional attitude reliable
      • Proficient in Excel and Word Job Billing amp Accounts
        Location Saudi Arabia Riyadh
        Requisition ID RIY000783
    وظيفة للسعوديين خدمات انترنت
    للسعوديين فقط

    الوظيفة تقديم خدمات انترنت
    مكان الوظيفة في الرياض جنوب الرياض
    الراتب 3500 الفترة التجريبية بعد الفترة التجريبية 4000
    الدوام من 4 عصرا حتى 12 مساءاً
    المهارات أن يجيد التعامل مع الحاسب

    غير مسجل في التأمينات الإجتماعية
    أن يكون لديه مواصلات

    يمكنك تقديم السيرة الذاتية على البريد الالكتروني job
    سيتم الاتصال بالمتقدم
    مندوبة مبيعات
    مطلوب فتيات للعمل في مجال التسويق لتطبيقات الكترونية داخل عمان براتب اساسي 250 بدل بنزين عمولة ، على ان تمتلك سيارة ولديها الخبرة في مجال التسويق في عمان
    معلم مطعم مأكولات شعبيه خبره عاليه
    معلم تحضير حمص فلافل تجهيز وطبخ وتحضير
    مطلوب خادمه عربيه حسنت المظهر
    خادمه عربيه فقط
    وظائف ادارة في البحرين
    مطلوب موظفه في مكتب تخليص على وجه السرعة في رفاع الشرقي الدوام كامل والراتب عقب المقابله​ موبايل واتساب 00 973 6666 2636 البريد الإلكتروني alruwai2014
    وظائف لياقة بدنية في البحرين
    مطلوب مدرب كمال اجسام محترف وذو بنية عضلية قوية وخبرة ومؤهل للتدريب في صالة رياضية في البحرين وبحسب التالي عقد عمل لمدة سنتين او سنة سكن مجاني توفره الشركة تذكرة سفر وتكاليف الفيزا والتامين للعمل وتامين طبي للموظف على حساب الشركة. للتقدم للوظيفة يرجى ارسال السيرة الذاتية ونسخ الشهادات على الايميل​ البريد الإلكتروني hr.gym.bahrain
    مندوبين تسويق مصاعد وعوازل شرط وجود سياره
    ومندوبين تسويق راتب 300 دينار كرت بنزين خط تلفون حوافز علي التوقيع
    مطلوب موظفة طباعة
    مطلوب شابة مصرية للعمل بشركة مقاولات الدوام بالمقر الرئيسي للشركة الشروط. على دراية باللغة الانجليزية محادثة و كتابة الا يزيد السن عن 30 عام الدوام عشر ساعات من الساعة السابعة صباحا حتى الساعة الخامسة اقامة قابلة للتحويل يفضل بالقرب من منطقة المنقف يرجى إرسال السيرة الذاتية على e mail mahmoud20662
    مدينة الكويت
    Urgently part time driver available from 5pm to 10 pm available
    part time driver available from 5pm to 10 pm..interested people can cl for pick up and drop..
    HRS GO Supervisor Immigration GCC National
    HRS GO Supervisor Immigration would be responsible for leading team of Immigration Administrative specialists in the Middle East Region and responsible for timely and accurate service delivery.
    • Leading all Government Portals administration access control updates
    • Monitoring tracking and reporting on all these activities on internal CRM
    • Making sure the Admin team reporting to him her maintain performance KPIs as per processing times
    • Explore process improvement opportunities and drive organization efficiency
    • Ensure proper workload distribution among the team
    • Leading and managing team of Immigration Administrative specialists providing guidance coaching and development
    • Strong cooperation with HRS GO Team Leader MET and other stakeholders Experience amp Qualifications
      • Fluent in English and Arabic
      • Previous Administrative GRO experience
      • Strong knowledge of Government portals Immigration systems
      • Previous people management experience is required
      • Record of good change management coaching and people development experience
      • Strong customer orientation
      • Good knowledge of Microsoft Office Clickhereto learn more about Honeywell' business.
        Wonder what it's like to work at Honeywell? Check out ourOne Honeywell Culturevideo on the Honeywell YouTube Channel.
        Is this job not an exact match to what you were looking for? JoinHoneywell's Talent Networkto receive updates on other Honeywell employment opportunities news and more. For more information please visit ourcareer site.
        Job Human Resources
        Title HRS GO Supervisor Immigration GCC National
        Location SAU 08 Dhahran
        Requisition ID 00345912
        Other Locations SAU 09 Riyadh
    database programmer
    modify an existing Foxpro program create routines with Foxpro C or other
    مطلوب موظفين
    مطلوب موظفين للعمل في شركة استراد وتصدير في بيروت محاسبين وانسات للعمل على الكمبيوتر
    وسط المدينة
    Front Office Staff Duty Night Manager Reservations Receptionists
    4 Stars Luxury Hotel in Manama Juffair Re opening Looking for

    1 Front Office Duty Night Manager. 2 Front Office Supervisor.
    3 Receptionists. 4 Reservations Agents. 5 Reservations Supervisor. 6 House Keeping Supervisors. 7 Laundry Lenin Supervisor. 8 House Keeping Room Attendant. 9 House Keeping Order Taker.
    All Front Office Positions Needs Previous Experience in Opera PMS system Hotel Experience in Bahrain or GCC Country.
    Please send your C.V to email below.
    Urgently required clerk for clearance company. Well knowledge in computer. For d
    Urgently required clerk for clearance company. Well knowledge in computer. For detail contact 39344481 . 37344481
    Senior Project Leader Bahrain
    Senior Project Leader Bahrain

    My client a very prestigious employer in the UK and internationally requires a very capable and experienced Senior Project Leader Urban Design to be based in their clients office in Bahrain to oversee and manage the first Phase of a large housing project in Bahrain. This will be a for a very large community facilities and associated with over 1 700 homes Including the surrounding infrastructure as well as considering the wider strategic planning and design guidance for the overall site which over 700 hectares. This is very much a client facing role with responsibility for coordinating governmental ministries and other high profile figures . The successful individual will be responsible for managing the project locally from a financial scheduling and delivery perspective. To be successful for this role you must have experience engaging with stakeholder and organisations across various sectors including strong political acumen and influencing skills for working with senior governmental officials. The ideal candidate will have 10 years 039 experience in the design planning and construction disciplines. Strong written and verbal communication skills with a background in dealing directly with high profile clients are required. Preference will be given to applicants with experience working with ministerial agencies on projects in Bahrain or the wider Gulf Region. Excellent verbal and written English a must preferably with knowledge of Arabic together with a Minimum of a Bachelor 039 s Degree in Architecture or Engineering with additional qualifications in Urban Design Planning and or Management advantageous
    My client a very prestigious employer in the UK and internationally requires a very capable and experienced Senior Project Leader Urban Design to be based in their clients office in Bahrain to oversee and manage the first Phase of a large housing project in Bahrain. This will be a for a very large community facilities and associated with over 1 700 homes Including the surrounding infrastructure Excellent verbal and written English a must preferably with knowledge of Arabic together with a Minimum of a Bachelor 039 s Degree in Architecture or Engineering with additional qualifications in Urban Design Planning and or Management advantageous
    Salesman and driver
    Hi if any person want salesman and driver i am ready
    Sales and Product Specialist Medical Laboratory Equipments
    Experienced Sales and Product Specialist for a Medical Laboratory Equipments .

    •Applicants must be holding a Bachelors Degree in any Medical Field.•Applicants must have at least 2 years sales experience in the Kingdom of Bahrain for Medical Laboratory Products or in similar field.•Having a technical training and knowledge of biochemical products is a great advantage.•Applicants must have an excellent communication skills in both English and Arabic.•Applicants should have a valid Bahrain Driving license Only qualified applicants will be short listed.
    I Need a Job
    Dear Sir

    Gentle request that one under your  " any kind of job"will be appointed . I am a candidate for the post . All information provided is too attached to my life . Therefore on the basis of the above mentioned me as the candidate for the post of a chance to prove his candidacy request for donations.


    Thanks and waiting for your responseA K Mahfuzur Rahman Siddiqui

    Mobile   973 أظهر الرقم 4
    Sales Account Manager Arabic Speaker
    Our client a leading system integration company is looking to aggressively grow in the region. They are looking an Arabic speaking sales account manager who have worked in various industries in the region
    The ideal candidate should have Good Negotiation Skills Self Starter Self Motivated and High Energy person with a passion to achieve his goals. Should be Result Oriented and Go getter Should have the ability to actively support the presales team on proposals and review the proposals independently Should have a good understanding of the regional culture Should have a strong relationship in Middle East Strong technical acumen with sales experience and ability to solution customer requirements at a macro level Excellent communications skills both verbal and written Strong leadership skills with ability to operate in a virtual team structure Requirements A minimum of bachelor's degree Must have previous experience with a system integration firm A min of 3 to 6 years of experience as a sales account manager in IT services. Must be fluent in Arabic
    Need for job Sales
    I am Bangladeshi boy Awal Miah. i want to Mobail any same Job. i have Oman 6 year experience sama dhyian salsman playStation ps Games Baharain 4 month's Karat Tea year experience.i know speaks arabia and hindi or english 50
    مطلوب مهندس معماري مصمم ديكور
    شركة هندسه بحاجه
    1 مهندس معماري.
    2 مصمم ديكور.

    شروط الوظيفه
    1 خبره 4 الي 5 سنوات
    2 خبره ببرنامج AutoCAD
    3 خبره ببرنامج Photoshop
    4 خبره ببرنامج Sketch Up
    5 خبره ببرنامج – 3D Max

    ترسل على الايميل engarch

    الراتب بعد المقابلة الشخصية
    Hindi teacher available
    hindi teacher is available in east riffa near delmon bakery... interested people can join.
    I am Driver i need a job
    Manama kingdom of Bahrain
    Junior Artwork Layout Assistant Bahraini
    Assist the Senior Artworker in the artworking
    Assist in the artworking of printed literature adverts and digital content
    Work with the Creative team
    Occasionally assist with retouching and visualising
    Strong working knowledge of the Adobe Creative Suite and Dreamweaver Photoshop
    1 2 years of experience within the creative industry preferably in an artworker role
    Business Process Re engineering Consultant
    KPMG IT Advisory Practice

    IT Advisory practice part of Risk Advisory practice is responsible for providing IT Advisory services such as IT Strategy IT System Selection IT Program Project Advisory IS Governance IT Sourcing System Stabilization amp Improvement and Knowledge Management services to its diversified clients in the Financial Services FS Oil and Gas O amp G Consumer and Industrial Markets CIM and Infrastructure and Healthcare I amp H industry verticals
    • Candidates should have experience working in financial sector and experience working with financial frameworks. • Oracle financial experience is preferred. • Core strength should lie in the areas of process re engineering specific to financial modules. • Looking for candidates with 1 5 years of experience and position will range from Associate Consultant – Sr. Consultant depending on the years of experience. • Arab nationals only
    Electrician Required
    we need the following urgently

    1 Electrician with a good experience is required in the following filed
    a wiring
    b troubleshooting
    c building wirings DB electrical installation reading CAD drawings.
    d building lightings and installation as we are a commercial and residential and façade lighting manufacturer company

    he will very much preferred with driving license
    he must be locally available in Bahrain

    All depending on experience and skills and interview result
    Range from 130 250 bd salary housing .

    If the Electrician also like to take retails sales activity either hardware sales or services projects and achieve sales he will be eligible for 2.5 commission on any sales value.

    Only serious applicant to apply and fully read the above advertisement.
    We strongly prefer locally available applicant for quick transfer. Please if you are outside bahrain do not apply.
    We strongly prefer the Indian nationality first then others applicant
    Visa avaliable

    send your c.v to our email baicsnvc at gmail dot com
    وظائف سائق في البحرين
    نوفر لكم جاهزين لدينا سائقين للمنازل والشركات ممتازين برخص سياقتهم السعوديه الخليجيه​ موبايل واتساب 00 973 3666 4415
    مدير مبيعات
    لشركة سويديه كبري nbsp
    مطلوب مدير مبيعات مقيم بالبحرين خبرة بالسوق البحريني لا تقل عن 4 سنوات nbsp
    على ان لا يتجاوز عمره 40 عاما nbsp
    يشترط اجادة اللغة الانجليزية nbsp و استخدام الكمبيوتر nbsp
    الوظيفة ذكر او انثي nbsp
    Operations Manager Holiday Inn Doha The Business Park Pre Opening 2017
    What's your passion? Whether you're into gardening swimming or karate at IHG we're interested in YOU. At IHG we employ people who apply the same amount of care and passion to their jobs as they do their hobbies people who put our guests at the heart of everything they do. And we're looking for more people like this to join our friendly and professional team.
    Holiday Inn Doha The Business Park Conveniently located in the center of the bustling Business Park and the financial district of Doha Holiday Inn Doha The Business Park is only a 15 minute drive from Hamad International Airport and a few minutes away from the local main attractions including Souq Waqif and Museum of Islamic Arts . Explore the city at ease with close proximity to the shopping malls the Corniche and to the city center making it an ideal place to stay around for business or leisure.
    The hotel s 307 well appointed guestrooms all feature flat screen televisions satellite channels complimentary high speed internet access also 7 high tech and flexible meeting rooms a 24 hour business center Lobby Cafe Stock Burger Pool Bar and All Day Dining Restaurant.
    Job O verview
    Takesownership of the day to day hotel operations Including but not limited to FrontOffice Housekeeping and Food amp Beverage by maximising financial returns driving development of people creating and maintaining a unique guestexperience executing on brand standards and building awareness of hotel andbrand in the local community.
    AtHoliday Inn we want people who are friendly welcoming and full of life peoplewho are always finding ways to make every guest s experience an enjoyable one.
    Duties and responsibilities
    Financial returns
    if !supportLists > endif >Assist Hotel Manager in thedevelopment implementation and monitoring of financial and operational plansfor the hotel. Provide regular direction and manage hotel operations for
    all departments.
    status reports.
    So what's your passion? Please get in touch and tell us how you could bring your individual skills to IHG.
    IHG is an equal opportunity employer M F D V
    if !supportLists > endif >Monitor and report variancesagainst budget and control labour costs and other expenses.
    if !supportLists > endif >Make recommendations forcapital improvements to enhance the assets of the hotel and or company andbrand loyalty.
    if !supportLists > endif >Foster positive ownerrelationships if applicable and assist in providing ongoing information and
    if !supportLists > endif >Manage day to day operationalactivities plan and assign work and establish performance and developmentgoals for team members. Provide mentoring coaching and regular feedback tohelp manage conflict improve team member performance and recognise good performance.
    if !supportLists > endif >Educate train and motivatehotel staff to achieve hotel revenue goals. Ensure staff has the information market data tools and equipment to successfully carry out job duties.
    if !supportLists > endif >Oversee the day to dayoperations and assignments of the hotel staff assist the Hotel Manager in thedevelopment and communication of departmental strategies and goals. Communicateand enforce policies and procedures.
    if !supportLists > endif >Promote teamwork and qualityservice through daily communication and coordination with other shifts anddepartmental management.
    Guest experience
    if !supportLists > endif >Establish and implementappropriate service recovery guidelines in order to ensure complete guestsatisfaction. Respond to guest complaints or concerns in a prompt andprofessional manner.
    if !supportLists > endif >Review guest feedback andimplement strategies for continuous improvement.
    if !supportLists > endif >Communicate to appropriatedepartments all pertinent information requirements and special needs forarriving VIP s large groups and other key guests.
    if !supportLists > endif >Lead marketing efforts toupsell guests on hotel services offerings and amenities.
    Responsible business
    if !supportLists > endif >Ensure a safe and secureenvironment for guests team members and hotel assets in compliance with thehotel s or owner s policies and procedures and regulatory requirements.Maintain relations with outside contacts.
    if !supportLists > endif >Comply with federal state andlocal laws regarding health safety and alcohol services.
    if !supportLists > endif >Maintain a focus and commitmentto operating a green hotel.
    if !supportLists > endif >Perform other duties asassigned. May also serve as manager on duty.
    This jobis the second in command to the Hotel Manager typically responsible formanaging day to day operations of the hotel.
    PLACEOF WORK Holiday Inn Doha The Business Park The Company may temporarilypost you to another IHG hotel department Crowne Plaza Doha The Business Parkafter discussing the suitability and domestic arrangements with you. You may onoccasion be required to travel both in Qatar and overseas in connection withthe employment.
    Qualifications and requirements
    Bachelor sdegree higher education qualification equivalent in Hotel Administration Business Administration and three years guest service hotel experience with atleast two years in a supervisory capacity or an equivalent combination ofeducation and experience. Previous extended stay experience or experience in ahotel of similar size and complexity preferred. Must speak fluent English.Other languages preferred.
    The statements in this jobdescription are intended to represent the key duties and level of work beingperformed. They are not intended to be ALL responsibilities or qualificationsof the job.
    In return we'll give you a competitive financial and benefits package which may include healthcare support and life insurance support. Hotel discounts worldwide are available as well as access to a wide variety of discount programs and the chance to work with a great team of people. Most importantly we'll give you the room to be yourself.
    Job Operations
    Location Qatar Doha
    Requisition ID DOH002352
    Read More »
    AV Technician Holiday Inn Doha The Business Park Pre Opening 2017
    What's your passion? Whether you're into gardening swimming or karate at IHG we're interested in YOU. At IHG we employ people who apply the same amount of care and passion to their jobs as they do their hobbies people who put our guests at the heart of everything they do. And we're looking for more people like this to join our friendly and professional team.
    Holiday Inn Doha The Business Park Conveniently located in the center of the bustling Business Park and the financial district of Doha Holiday Inn Doha The Business Park is only a 15 minute drive from Hamad International Airport and a few minutes away from the local main attractions including Souq Waqif and Museum of Islamic Arts . Explore the city at ease with close proximity to the shopping malls the Corniche and to the city center making it an ideal place to stay around for business or leisure.
    The hotel s 307 well appointed guestrooms all feature flat screen televisions satellite channels complimentary high speed internet access also 7 high tech and flexible meeting rooms a 24 hour business center Lobby Cafe Stock Burger Pool Bar and All Day Dining Restaurant.
    job overview
    Responsiblefor the efficient operation maintenance cleanliness and repair of the hotel sbanquet audio visual lighting and electrical equipment
    place of work
    Holiday Inn Doha TheBusiness Park The Company may temporarily post you to another IHG hotel department Crowne Plaza Doha The Business Park after discussing thesuitability and domestic arrangements with you. You may on occasion be requiredto travel both in Qatar and overseas in connection with the employment.
    Duties and Responsibilities
    PS..0 > PS..1 >Responsible for the maintenance cleanliness repair and efficientoperation of all hotels Audio Visual equipment.
    PS..2 > PS..3 >Responsible for the maintenance and operation of all lighting in Eventsand function rooms including dimmer control system replacing of fused bulbsand repairing of chandelier etc.
    PS..4 > PS..5 >Responsible for reporting all defects which are unable to rectify to hisimmediate Supervisor.
    PS..6 > PS..7 >Responsible for attending functions as requested by the ChiefEngineer Banquet Operation Manager Assistant Banquet Manager.
    PS..8 > PS..9 >Responsible for ensuring that all clients using their own equipmentconform to the safety requirements of the hotel and to local regulations.
    PS..10 > PS..11 >Responsible for ensuring that all electrical apparatus used by theclients conform to local regulations.
    PS..12 > PS..13 >Responsible for maintaining a log of all materials used.
    PS..14 > PS..15 >Responsible for covering colleagues shifts when absent.
    PS..16 > PS..17 >Responsible for reporting any potential hazard noted while on duty.
    PS..18 > PS..19 >Fire Performs duties as assigned per fire responsibilities.
    PS..20 > PS..21 >Responsible for using the appropriate safety clothing equipment and forfollowing all maintenance instructions as lay down by the Chief Engineer.
    PS..22 > PS..23 >Responsible for ensuring that the supplied uniform is clean and in goodrepair. Unless it is an emergency ensure a clean and tidy appearance beforeentering a guest area and if necessary change in to a clean uniform.
    PS..24 > PS..25 >Responsible for undergoing any training deemed necessary by the ChiefEngineer.
    PS..26 > PS..27 >Responsible for assisting other personnel in emergencies and forcarrying out other Events Engineering duties as may be required by the ChiefEngineer and according to the needs of other department.
    PS..28 > PS..29 >Responsible for keeping the Events Equipment Storeroom clean and tidyalways.
    PS..30 > PS..31 >Responsible for ensuring that all equipment to be used in any functionsis clean before leaving the function room.
    PS..32 > PS..33 >Responsible for keeping all the Events equipment in working condition atall times.
    PS..34 > PS..35 >Operating procedure of equipment to be used in the function should beaddressed to the organizer.
    PS..36 > PS..37 >All electrical sockets outlets to be checked regularly and changedimmediately if found defective.
    PS..38 > PS..39 >Equipment inventory to be maintained and inventory check will be donemonthly with the presence of the Chief Engineer or his assistant.
    PS..40 > PS..41 >Equipment found damaged must have a written report within a day ofincident.
    PS..42 > PS..43 >Equipment found missing will be charged to the Events AV Electrician.
    PS..44 > PS..45 >Attend all on job training in accordancewith the departmental standards and procedures
    PS..46 > PS..47 >Attend all types of various technical skill training
    PS..48 > PS..49 >Ensures that house rules are followed and obeyed.
    PS..50 > PS..51 >Ensures punctual attendance and adherence to duty schedules by allsubordinate staff.
    PS..52 > PS..53 >Ensures that personal grooming and hygiene standards are being observed.Does spot checks in the morning.
    PS..54 > PS..55 >Ensures all Engineering Standards and Procedures as issued from time totime are followed.
    PS..56 > PS..57 >Insure Hotel Rules and Regulations are fully followed avoid any ofthe followings but not limited to
    PS..58 >1 PS..59 >Sleeping whilst on duty
    PS..60 >2 PS..61 >Late arriving at beginning of shift
    PS..62 >3 PS..63 >Early departure at the end of the shift
    PS..64 >4 PS..65 >Not following up on guest complaints
    PS..66 > PS..67 >Not adhering to grooming standards
    Guest Experience
    PS..68 > PS..69 >Complete work orders as requested by hotel various departments to meetcustomer requirements
    PS..70 > PS..71 >Interacts and cooperates with Hotel guests and outside contractors asnecessary or directed by superior.
    PS..72 > PS..73 >Interacts and cooperates with other departments when necessary toprovide additional or specialized services for functions promotions andfestivities.
    Responsible Business
    PS..74 > PS..75 >DemonstrateAwareness of IHG Personal Protective Equipment PPE policies and procedures and ensure all procedures are conducted safely andwithin PPE guidelines and ensure your direct reports do the same
    PS..76 > PS..77 >Be aware of duty of care and adhere to work place health and safetyrelated various IHG policies and procedures
    PS..78 > PS..79 >Be familiar with property safety first aid and fire and emergencyprocedures and operate equipment safely and sensibly
    PS..80 > PS..81 >Initiate action to correct a hazardous situation and notify supervisorsof potential dangers
    PS..82 > PS..83 >Carries out regular fire alarm test as per IHGstandard
    PS..84 > PS..85 >Log security incidents and accidents in accordance with hotelrequirements
    PS..86 > PS..87 >Ensures that the work shop and related areas are kept in a clean andtidy condition.
    PS..88 > PS..89 >Complies with Hotel's Health Safety amp Hygiene Policy.
    Perform other duties asassigned by superior.
    Thisis the top Maintenance Engineering job in a large full service luxury resort or major flagship hotel with multiple sites and facilities a number of majoroutlets high volume catering and convention facilities and a large number ofVIP and key guests
    Technical school graduatein mechanical trade or obtain vocational training plus 2 years of experience inmechanical or plumbing work and prefer 1 year in hotel experience or anequivalent combination of education and experience. Obtain Boiler operating license and any otherProfessional certification and license if required by law.
    In return we'll give you a competitive financial and benefits package which may include healthcare support and life insurance support. Hotel discounts worldwide are available as well as access to a wide variety of discount programs and the chance to work with a great team of people. Most importantly we'll give you the room to be yourself.
    So what's your passion? Please get in touch and tell us how you could bring your individual skills to IHG.
    IHG is an equal opportunity employer M F D V
    Job Engineering
    Location Qatar Doha
    Requisition ID DOH002350
    Read More »
    Plumber Holiday Inn Doha The Business Park Pre Opening 2017
    What's your passion? Whether you're into gardening swimming or karate at IHG we're interested in YOU. At IHG we employ people who apply the same amount of care and passion to their jobs as they do their hobbies people who put our guests at the heart of everything they do. And we're looking for more people like this to join our friendly and professional team.
    Holiday Inn Doha The Business Park Conveniently located in the center of the bustling Business Park and the financial district of Doha Holiday Inn Doha The Business Park is only a 15 minute drive from Hamad International Airport and a few minutes away from the local main attractions including Souq Waqif and Museum of Islamic Arts . Explore the city at ease with close proximity to the shopping malls the Corniche and to the city center making it an ideal place to stay around for business or leisure.
    The hotel s 307 well appointed guestrooms all feature flat screen televisions satellite channels complimentary high speed internet access also 7 high tech and flexible meeting rooms a 24 hour business center Lobby Cafe Stock Burger Pool Bar and All Day Dining Restaurant.
    job overview
    Assist the Engineering superior with general hotel andbuilding maintenance and ensure that work is completed to a high standardwithin your established trade which meets the needs and expectations of yourcustomers.
    place of work
    Holiday Inn Doha TheBusiness Park The Company may temporarily post you to another IHG hotel department Crowne Plaza Doha The Business Park after discussing thesuitability and domestic arrangements with you. You may on occasion be requiredto travel both in Qatar and overseas in connection with the employment.
    Duties and Responsibilities
    Financial Returns
    if !supportLists > endif >Carries out repairs and maintenance of domestic hot amp cold watersystems cooling water systems storm and sanitary sewer systems irrigation fountainwater systems and swimming pools.
    if !supportLists > endif >Carries out electric arc or oxy acetylene welding .
    if !supportLists > endif >Replacement or new construction projects which may include GI PVC andcast iron piping and fabrication of necessary brackets supports forinstallation.
    if !supportLists > endif >Attends to repairs or replacement of all bathroom toilet fixtures inguest rooms public areas and back of the house areas.
    if !supportLists > endif >Cleans all manholes and clears sewage and storm water line blockagesusing sneaker machine or ropes and ring arrangement as required.
    if !supportLists > endif >Operate boiler and attend all repair works related to steam supply.
    if !supportLists > endif >Attend to all related work to natural gas
    if !supportLists > endif >Attends to all types of repair and maintenance work in the Hotelpremises including any new additions extensions to the Hotel or any otherproperties maintained by the Hotel.
    if !supportLists > endif >Participates in Hotel Energy Conservation Program.
    if !supportLists > endif >Use initiative and foresight to undertake tasks outlined within thepreventative maintenance program without the direction of the ShiftEngineer Chief Engineer.
    if !supportLists > endif >Responsible for servicing and attending to repairs on various types ofequipment such as laundry equipment kitchen equipment heating ventilatingand air conditioning equipment including motors pumps fans water treatmentplants sewage treatment plant and electricity generators electric lights amp powers CCTV telephone TV firelives and safety equipment amp system.
    if !supportLists > endif >Attend all on job training in accordancewith the departmental standards and procedures
    if !supportLists > endif >Attend all types of various technical skill training
    if !supportLists > endif >Ensures that house rules are followed and obeyed.
    if !supportLists > endif >Ensures punctual attendance and adherence to duty schedules by allsubordinate staff.
    if !supportLists > endif >Ensures that personal grooming and hygiene standards are being observed.Does spot checks in the morning.
    if !supportLists > endif >Ensures all Engineering Standards and Procedures as issued from time totime are followed.
    if !supportLists > endif >Insure Hotel Rules and Regulations are fully followed avoid any ofthe followings but not limited to
    if !supportLists >1 endif >Sleeping whilst on duty
    if !supportLists >2 endif >Late arriving at beginning of shift
    if !supportLists >3 endif >Early departure at the end of the shift
    if !supportLists >4 endif >Not following up on guest complaints
    if !supportLists > endif >Not adhering to grooming standards
    Guest Experience
    if !supportLists > endif >Complete work orders as requested by hotel various departments to meetcustomer requirements
    if !supportLists > endif >Interacts and cooperates with Hotel guests and outside contractors asnecessary or directed by superior.
    if !supportLists > endif >Interacts and cooperates with other departments when necessary toprovide additional or specialized services for functions promotions andfestivities.
    Responsible Business
    if !supportLists > endif >DemonstrateAwareness of IHG Personal Protective Equipment PPE policies and procedures and ensure all procedures are conducted safely andwithin PPE guidelines and ensure your direct reports do the same
    if !supportLists > endif >Be aware of duty of care and adhere to work place health and safetyrelated various IHG policies and procedures
    if !supportLists > endif >Be familiar with property safety first aid and fire and emergencyprocedures and operate equipment safely and sensibly
    if !supportLists > endif >Initiate action to correct a hazardous situation and notify supervisorsof potential dangers
    if !supportLists > endif >Carries out regular fire alarm test as per IHGstandard
    if !supportLists > endif >Log security incidents and accidents in accordance with hotelrequirements
    if !supportLists > endif >Ensures that the work shop and related areas are kept in a clean andtidy condition.
    if !supportLists > endif >Complies with Hotel's Health Safety amp Hygiene Policy.
    Perform other duties asassigned by superior.
    Thisis the top Maintenance Engineering job in a large full service luxury resort or major flagship hotel with multiple sites and facilities a number of majoroutlets high volume catering and convention facilities and a large number ofVIP and key guests
    Technical school graduatein mechanical trade or obtain vocational training plus 2 years of experience inmechanical or plumbing work and prefer 1 year in hotel experience or anequivalent combination of education and experience. Obtain Boiler operating license and any otherProfessional certification and license if required by law.
    Thestatements in this job description are intended to describe the essentialnature and level of work being performed. They are not intended to be ALLresponsibilities or qualifications of the job.
    Job Engineering
    Location Qatar Doha
    Requisition ID DOH002351
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    AV IT Technician InterContinental Doha Hotel amp Residences
    Are you ready to be an Audio Visual IT Technician with InterContinental?
    The InterContinental brandlooksfor charming confident sophisticated and internationally minded people who knowwhat it takes to exceed guest expectations.
    The InterContinentalDoha is the authentic urban resort and business hotel in Doha Qatar. We have255 guestrooms and eight high quality restaurants and bars servingInternational cuisine the longest private 500 meter Arabian Gulf Beach inDoha an impressive grand ballroom that accommodates up to 800 guests fiveflexible function rooms that can host business meetings and social gatherings outstanding high tech recreational facilities.
    InterContinental Doha islooking for Audio Visual IT Technician tojoin our team.
    As an Audio Visual IT Technician you will reportdirectly to the Banquet Operations Manager or Assistant Banquet Manager HeadWaiter and cooperate with service staff engineering and other departments asrequired.
    Duties andResponsibilities
    Co ordinates supervises and executes the prompt efficient and courteous service of Audio Visual services and Food amp Beverage to assigned areas Station.
    Greets guests atmeeting places presents services explain about Audio Visual services andfacilities answers questions regarding the audio visual in the banquetfunction venue.
    Read the Banquet eventorders and relays the same to the Service Staff or direct to kitchen.
    Ensures that menu item as per the event request are available from the kitchen and the stores.
    Ensures that serviceshould be with established standards and efficiency and that orders areproperly executed.
    Ensures thatAudio Visual service station is fully stocked and in clean condition at alltimes.
    All the Audio Visualservices should be registered services maintained and audited every month anda report to be forwarded to the Banquet operations office.
    Ensures that tables areset up in accordance with established standards and as specified in thefunction sheet and in good condition.
    Maintain the Audio Visual equipment is always in the good Situation responsible for the par stockof Bqt. Operations Audio Visual equipment.
    Maintain the Audio Visual equipment is always in the good Situation responsible for the par stockof Bqt. Operations Audio Visual equipment.
    Ensures that all Audio Visual Equipment required of the market are upgraded report to Bqt. OperationsOffice.
    Ensuresthat personal grooming of self and state of uniform is to required standard
    Complies with Hotel sHealth Safety and Hygiene Policy.
    Co operatewith the company to achieve compliance with FLS legislation
    Notundertake any activity which compromises their personal FLS or the FLS ofothers
    Report allaccidents dangerous occurrences or hazards no matter how minor to thesupervisor or Heads of Department.
    With a family of 9 brands and more than 4 600hotels in 100 countries we ll give you opportunities to learn new skills andgrow your career not forgetting a competitive salary and benefits package withhotel discount worldwide!
    You ll not only join a brand that believes inthe importance of superior understated service and outstanding facilities butalso a team that is passionate about connecting guests to what's special aboutthe destination and sharing that knowledge so guests leave with an authenticand memorable experience. Most importantly we give you Room to be yourself.
    Ideally you'll have aminimum 1 2 years experience as AV IT Technician excellent Englishcommunication skills written and oral and the ability to work irregularshours late evenings and weekends when appropriate. Computer literate inWord Excel and PowerPoint are an advantage.
    If this sounds like theperfect move for you apply online now! Get in touch and tell us how you couldbring your passion and your individual skills to IHG.
    Job Information Technology IT
    Location Qatar Doha
    Requisition ID DOH002348
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    مطلوب تكسي حديثه ضروري جداً
    مطلوب تكسي حديثه ونضيفه
    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته متوفر لدي عاملات نيجيريات وبسعر 520 وراتب 60
    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

    متوفر لدي عاملات نيجيريات
    وبسعر 520 وراتب 60 ريال مسلمات ومسيحيات مؤهلات للعمل ومتعلمات يتحدثن الانكليزية واسلوبهن راقي في التعامل مع العائلة والأطفال ، واعمار مناسبه تترواح من عمر 21 40
    ضمان 3شهور
    رفض العمل
    فقط ما عليكم غير أستخراج تأشيرة واستقبال عاملة من المطار في حدود 4 أيام بالكثير
    للتواصل 92110882
    شركة سياحة و سفر العبدلي
    مطلوب موظف موظفة تسويق بدوام كامل او جزئي للعمل لدى شركة سياحه و سفر على ان يكون ملما بالتسويق الالكتروني
    للمراجعه الاتصال على الرقم 0798080800
    خدمة منازل مكياج تسريحات بروتين بلارائحة خبيرة عربية 97160020
    خدمة منازل للسيدات جميع مناطق الكويت
    كيراتين برازيلي بروتين بدون رائحة لتغذية ونعومة الشعر كولاجين
    الكافيار بوتكس صبغات الرمادي والهاي لايت وممكن صبغ الشعر الأسود والذي به حناء أحدث التسريحات وقصات الشعر مكياج فندقي راقي . مكياج لبناني مع كونتور ونحت الوجه . مكياج فرنسي
    بيد الخبيرة أم صالح اتصال أو واتساب 97160020
    خدمة منازل جميع مناطق الكويت
    عمان عمري 27
    حابه اتعرف على شب يكون حنون بمعنى الكلمه
    Flight Line Expediter
    Job Summary
    The Flight Line Expediter coordinates controls and directs resources within the flight to accomplish scheduled unscheduled maintenance to generate aircraft.
    Principal Accountabilities
    Typical duties include the following although specific duties vary by assignment or contract.
    • Coordinate the daily flying schedule working closely with the Production Supervisor MOC Operations Duty Desk and the Customer.
    • Remain on the flight line when maintenance personnel are performing maintenance and launching recovering aircraft.
    • Review aircraft forms and sign exceptional releases ER's
    • Ensure the use of technical data in all aspects of aircraft maintenance
    • Ensure aircraft and equipment forms and MIS documentation is complete accurate and accomplished.
    • Ensure aircraft status is accurately reflected reported in both the maintenance forms and the MIS.
    • Coordinate aircraft status e.g. discrepancies WUC logistics control number LCN estimated time in commission ETIC job completion and configuration status JAW AFT 21 103 with the MOC and the Production Supervisor.
    • Coordinate the movement of aircraft and equipment at the direction of the Production Supervisor Management.
    • Maintain current copies of the following in the Expediter vehicle flying schedule emergency action and functional checklists base grid map with cordon overlay IPI listings MESL quick reference list QRL a work unit code WUC manual and tracking device for aircraft status.
    • Participate in and ensure compliance with established FOD prevention housekeeping tool control environmental and safety procedures.
    • Follow technical data manuals regulations and other maintenance directives as required.
    • Perform other related duties as assigned. Knowledge amp Skills
      • In depth knowledge of the assigned aircraft is required.
      • Thorough working knowledge of applicable technical publications and AFT's is required.
      • Ability to read and interpret technical data.
      • Ability to multitask clear concise verbal and written skills.
      • Good leadership skills and the ability to work professionally with the customer. Experience amp Education
        • Completion of high school or equivalent is required.
        • Minimum four 4 years of aircraft maintenance experience of which two 2 years must be performed as a senior aircraft mechanic is required. Physical Requirements Working Environment
          • Must be able to lift a minimum weight of 50 lbs. and sit for prolonged periods of time.
          • Must have the ability to climb ladders and stairs.
          • Normal color vision is required.
          • Possession of a valid driver's license is necessary to obtain flight line driving privileges. Primary Location OMAN OCONUS THUMRAIT
            Job Posting Feb 28 2017 8 02 44 PM
            Unposting Date Ongoing
            Req ID 1701095
    عاجل عاجل عاجل مطلوب موزعون
    عاجل عاجل عاجل مطلوب موزعون لمنتج فاخر عباره عن خلطات بنكهات مختلفه لمحافظات كلآ من الظاهره الدخليه الشرقيه الوسطى يشترط وجود سيارة براد ثلاجه حجم صغير لمعرفة باقي التفاصيل يرجى التواصل واتساب على الرقم 99770076 للجادين فقط
    تبحث عن مندوبين ومسوقين لشركه استيراد وتصدير
    تبحث عن مندوبين ومسوقين لشركه استيراد وتصدير من الصين من جنسيات العربية واحنبية
    تواصل على اتصال 94016032
    مطلوب موظفين وموظفات مبيعات داخلي
    شركة استثمار تطلب موظفين وموظفات مبيعات داخل مقر الشركة

    للفترة المسائية مابين الساعة 6.30 حتى الساعة 10.30 مساءاً

    للراغبين في زيادة دخلهم وتحقيق طموحاتهم وتطوير مهاراتهم

    مطلوب في المتقدمين والمتقدمات

    ان يكونوا على قدر من الثقافة العامة وحضور الشخصية

    اللياقة في المظهر واللباقة في التعامل

    الطموح والإصرار والثقة بالنفس

    الخبرة في المبيعات لا تقل عن ثلاث سنوات

    المؤهل العلمي فوق الثانوية العامة

    الدخل ممتاز رواتب وعمولات وحوافز بمعدل 1000 دينار شهري لأصحاب الكف... أقرأ المزيد
    شركة استثمار تطلب موظفين وموظفات مبيعات داخل مقر الشركة

    للفترة المسائية مابين الساعة 6.30 حتى الساعة 10.30 مساءاً

    للراغبين في زيادة دخلهم وتحقيق طموحاتهم وتطوير مهاراتهم

    مطلوب في المتقدمين والمتقدمات

    ان يكونوا على قدر من الثقافة العامة وحضور الشخصية

    اللياقة في المظهر واللباقة في التعامل

    الطموح والإصرار والثقة بالنفس

    الخبرة في المبيعات لا تقل عن ثلاث سنوات

    المؤهل العلمي فوق الثانوية العامة

    الدخل ممتاز رواتب وعمولات وحوافز بمعدل 1000 دينار شهري لأصحاب الكفاءة

    يرجى من الراغبين والراغبات ارسال السيرة الذاتية على ايميل hamalayah

    او الإتصال على الرقم 0797845053 لأي استفسار

    يرجى الإتصال ما بين الساعة 12.00 والساعة 5.00 مساء فقط

    مع تمنياتنا للجميع بالتوفيق
    Income Auditor
    An Income Auditor reviews analyzes and recommends improvements to the daily financial reports and process to improve accuracy and efficiency.
    What will I be doing?
    As Income Auditor you will monitor all transactions as they contribute to or detract hotel revenue. Specifically you will be responsible for performing the following tasks to the highest standards
    • Carry out daily checks of revenue via an Operations Audit as per hotel standards
    • Reconcile and monitor commissions housekeeper and rate discrepancies and Conference and Banqueting Revenue against daily function sheets
    • Check non arrivals late departures no sales voids management bills bill sequence and pay outs
    • Check bills signed to Room Account and record all covers
    • Record Reset Counter
    • Spot check Function Diary and the settlement of function bills
    • Reconcile telephone Pay TV newspaper revenue guest laundry income corrections and allowance
    • Ensure Advanced Deposits are current
    • Recommend improvements to processes as required
    • Execute on tasks requests as instructed by the Finance Manager and or General Manager What are we looking for?
      An Income Auditor serving Hilton brands is always working on behalf of our Guests and working with other Team Members. To successfully fill this role you should maintain the attitude behaviours skills and values that follow
      • Experience in the hotel leisure retail sector
      • Possesss strong organisational skills
      • A good understanding of financial operating systems and procedures
      • Strong influencing inter personal and communication skills
      • Excellent analytical skills It would be advantageous in this position for you to demonstrate the following capabilities and distinctions
        • Previous Accounts Finance experience in a high volume department preferably within a hotel environment What will it be like to work for Hilton?
          Hilton is the leading global hospitality company spanning the lodging sector from luxurious full service hotels and resorts to extended stay suites and mid priced hotels. For nearly a century Hilton has offered business and leisure travelers the finest in accommodations service amenities and value. Hilton is dedicated to continuing its tradition of providing exceptional guest experiences across its global brands . Our vision "to fill the earth with the light and warmth of hospitality" unites us as a team to create remarkable hospitality experiences around the world every day. And our amazing Team Members are at the heart of it all!
          Job Finance
          Title Income Auditor
          Location null
          Requisition ID HOT03T0X
          EOE AA Disabled Veterans
    مطلوب عامل اجنبي للخدمة على القرل
    مطلوب عامل اجنبي خدمة على القرل فى مطعم للهمبورقة فقط شرط يكون لبق فى المطهر بمعاش
    محترم 0922737350
    مطلوب معيله لامراه مسنه
    مطلوب امراه لاعانه امراه مسنه ...
    معلم لغة عربية وتأسيس وصعوبة تعلم
    معلم لغة عربية لجميع المراحل
    وتأسيس. متوسط... توجيهي
    وتأسيس جميع المواد من الروضة إلى الخامس
    قدرة على تعليم وتعامل مع صعوبة التعلم وتدريبهم جميع المواد بأذن الله..
    لتواصل مع المعلم مباشره0779308093
    Medical Logistics Superintendent
    Job Summary
    Responsible to the Program Medical Materiel Manager for the effective and efficient management of all assigned medical War Reserve Material WRM projects. Responsible for providing supervision training and management direction to personnel in the conduction of Medical Material functions. Responsible for preparing and maintaining manual or mechanized property accounting records and data on items to be requisitioned for assigned WRM projects. Maintains coordination with the Medical Materiel Manager PMO for guidance in the development and implementation of standard integrated and responsive logistics policies processes and procedures. Responsible for coordinating and monitoring Biomedical equipment activities. Carries out all duties in accordance with DynCorp ISO 9000 Quality and Safety Standards.
    Principal Accountabilities
    • Assists the PMO in developing effective and efficient logistics policies and procedures and in ensuring compliance with DOD and USAF directives.
    • Supervises the receipt storage and issue of material for all assigned WRM projects.
    • Evaluates supply efficiency through inspections and computer prepared management products.
    • Supervises all inventories and performs limited inspections ensuring supplies and equipment have had quality assurance inspections completed and that Medical Logistics computer system DMLSS records have been updated.
    • Supervises subordinate activities on all warehouse phases for storage of medical WRM and subsistence. Ensures all material is stored and located in accordance with all supply warehouse and HAZMAT disposition directives.
    • Ensures the timely and effective reporting and disposition of excess material and ensures the effective management of expiration dated items.
    • Supervises the out shipment of WRM for deployment and the reconstitution of assets when returned.
    • Supervises the receipt storage inventory and out shipment of Meals Ready to Eat MREs if applicable.
    • Assigns personnel to work positions determines manpower levels as work requirements change and reassigns personnel accordingly to gain maximum mission effectiveness.
    • Develops work standards for subordinates. Implements the precepts of quality assurance within the guidelines set forth in the ISO 9001 program. Ensures that all work is completed to this quality standard and provides employees with feedback on their progress.
    • Establishes and conducts an effective on the job and safety training program.
    • Performs other additional duties as assigned by manager. Knowledge amp Skills
      • Must have extensive knowledge of the Air Force Medical Material property accounting system using the automated data processing equipment.
      • Knowledge of mathematics supply regulations medical supply procedures warehousing material handling techniques safety procedures and methods of training.
      • Must be proficient in preparing general correspondence and be computer literate with a working knowledge of Microsoft Office Professional.
      • Must be capable of obtaining a local driver's license.
      • Must be capable of obtaining a Secret Clearance. Experience amp Education
        • Associates degree in respective area Bachelor preferred
        • Must have a minimum of ten years' experience as an USAF Medical Material Specialist and five years as a supervisor. Physical Requirements Working Environment
          • May be required to work in extreme weather conditions
          • Must be able to lift 50 pounds. Travel
            • Some regional travel required Primary Location OMAN OCONUS THUMRAIT
              Job Posting Mar 1 2017 2 31 45 PM
              Unposting Date Ongoing
              Req ID 1701124
    مواسرجي متنقل لصيانه جميع التمديدات وصيانه المضخات نصلكم لكل عمان
    مواسرجي متنقل لصيانه الشبكات والتمديدات المياه والصرف الصحي نصلكم على الفور0786000167
    مطلوب موظفة للعمل فورا
    مطلوب موظفة مبيعات في محل بيع اجهزة خلوية داخل مدينة المفرق على ان تنطبق عليها المواصفات التالية
    1. ان تكون من سكان مدينة المفرق نفسها
    2. ان تجيد القرائة والكتابة بشكل ممتاز
    3. اوقات العمل من السبت الى الخميس ومن الساعة التاسعة صباحا وحتى الخامسة مساءا.
    على من تجد في نفسها القدرة على العمل مراسلتنا على الواتس أب على الرقم 0776919898
    • تعليقات بلوجر
    • تعليقات الفيس بوك
    Item Reviewed: وظائف تنقيب 3/3 الجزء الثالث Rating: 5 Reviewed By: 66bitcoins
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