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    Finance Manager Algeria

    Why choosePhilips

    Philips is a leading multinationalcompany that is recognized worldwide for the quality of its financialmanagement. It operates in some of the world’s fastest moving and highestgrowth rate markets in healthcare lighting and lifestyle where financialagility and outofthebox thinking are key to staying ahead of thecompetition. That makes it one of the most challenging and exciting places inwhich to exercise your financial thinking and entrepreneurial skills.
    If you are only interested in thefigures finance jobs at Philips won’t be of interest to you. However if youare interested in the figures because they tell you about the people andprocesses that lie behind them then you’re the kind of finance professional weare a looking for. Finance careers at Philips offer you the opportunity todrive business performance improve business processes and implement innovativestrategies making the results of your efforts both tangible and meaningful.

    About PhilipsAfrica

    Philips Africa comprises all 54countries of Africa from the Cape to Cairo and from the Atlantic to theIndian Ocean. Philips Africa is headquartered in Johannesburg South Africa andit has presence in seven other African countries in the cities of AccraAlgiers Casablanca Cairo Lagos Nairobi and Tunis. Philips Africa isdefinitely one of the growth drivers for Philips.

    Job Function

    We challenge you to join Philips asa
    Finance Manager Algeria and lead thefinance amp accounting function in the startup Philips Algeria organisationwith focus on securing and driving an efficient and effective financeinfrastructure in your scope compliance to IFRS statutory amp fiscalreporting SOX compliance Cash flow management.

    Job placement in the organisation
    Reports to the Market Head of Finance Maghreb

    Job Objectives

    • Assists the country manager indefining maintaining and executing country policies amp procedures
    • Accountable the financialplanning amp reporting processes for the Algerian country organization
    • Accountable for cash flowmanagement of the Algerian country organization
    • Ensures compliance in allaspects from Sox Compliance to regulatory compliance and from adhering togeneral business principles to correct and timely IFRS management statutoryand fiscal reporting
    • Drive the financial integrationinto Philips standard ways of working by implementing ERP and leverage the useof the Philips standard financial processes
    • Job Knowledge 
      • Solid basis and experience inAccounting amp Internal Controls in the Algerian regulatory environment
      • Ability to prioritize in astartup environment
      • Ability to influence and workwith people residing in central shared service centers  
      • Education and critical Experience
        • Master Postgraduate in financeaccounting economics or similar
        • Solid basis and experience inAccounting amp Internal Controls and Algerian regulatory environment by meansof e.g. 35 years post articles experience in commerce with completion ofarticles with the Big 4 a plus
        • Experience in ERP andpreferably implementation is a plus
        • Experience in financial andbusiness information analysis andor reporting is a plus
        • Experience in the definition ofstandard processes befitting the type of organization
        • Familiar and comfortable with alarge international multimatrix environment
        • Strong analytical skills
        • Compelling communication skills
        • Good level of English and French
    • تعليقات بلوجر
    • تعليقات الفيس بوك
    Item Reviewed: Finance Manager Algeria Rating: 5 Reviewed By: 66bitcoins
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