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Food Security Assistant - فرصتنا دوت كوم Food Security Assistant - فرصتنا دوت كوم
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    رسائل حب

    Food Security Assistant

    Job Profile
    The Norwegian Refugee Council NRC is0 an International NGO with regional competence and expertise in working with displaced populations. The Regional Office is based in Nairobi Kenya with offices and operations in Somalia Puntland Somaliland and Mogadishu Kenya Dadaab Kakuma and Molo Ethiopia Addis Ababa Dolo Ado Shire and Asosa and Yemen Sanarsquoa Amran and Haradh.
    Position Vacantnbspnbsp nbspnbspnbsp nbspFood Security Assistant 2 positions nbspnbsp nbsp
    Reporting tonbspnbsp nbspnbspnbsp nbspFood Security Project Coordinator.
    Duty Stationnbspnbsp nbspnbspnbsp nbsp1 in Amran nbsp 1 in Sanarsquoa
    Duration of Contractnbspnbsp nbsp3 monthsnbspnbsp nbsp

    Main Responsibilities includenbsp
    bullnbspnbsp nbspAssist the FSL PC in the planning coordination and execution of the Food Security and Livelihood FSL activities nbspsuch as Cash Transfer Programming CTP e.g. food voucher transfer unconditionalconditional cash transfer Cash For Work etc. agricultureurban farming e.g. seeds and tools distribution training on farming techniques livestock e.g. animal health care restockingdestocking poultry etc. nonfarm based livelihood e.g. vocational skills trainings small scale business etc..
    bullnbspnbsp nbspParticipate in community need assessments and identify beneficiaries in need of food security and livelihood activities
    bullnbspnbsp nbspParticipate in field data collection for baseline survey and evaluation surveys and assessments
    bullnbspnbsp nbspMobilize communities in activity designing implementation and monitoring following a participatory approachnbsp
    bullnbspnbsp nbspImplement directly project input distributions e.g. food voucher cash distribution agricultural seeds and tools and other livelihood assets distribution and technical training sessions related to alternative livelihoods supported e.g. urban farming small scale business livestock farming fishery etc. or supervise local partners in carrying out the implementation.nbsp
    bullnbspnbsp nbspEnsure timely preparation of the activity including community information input distribution and training plan preparation of training content and material related to alternative livelihood support briefingtraining of local partners if any and carrying out logistical and administrative arrangements
    bullnbspnbsp nbspSupport the production of training andor communication tools related to alternative livelihood activities supported by the project and develops new training contents and materialstools.
    bullnbspnbsp nbspAssist in monitoring market commodity ground movements and labor needs execute postdistribution monitoring activities and monitor and document beneficiariesrsquo changes of living conditions and food security situation.
    bullnbspnbsp nbspMonitor evaluate and suggest improvements to increase efficiency of project activities
    bullnbspnbsp nbspEnsure regular promotion of the complaint mechanism system with beneficiaries
    bullnbspnbsp nbspAttend weekly and monthly meetings and provide accurate and updated information about livelihood activities
    bullnbspnbsp nbspLiaise with NRC partners especially local authorities and other stakeholders returnees host community local leaders CBOs NGOs UN on FS related issues
    bullnbspnbsp nbspRepresent NRC in a professional manner in meetings with partners
    bullnbspnbsp nbspReport any problem related to finance admin and logistics within the FS team and the support team to the attention of the FS management team for resolution
    bullnbspnbsp nbspEnsure that the FS office and NRC property are kept in a good and secure condition
    bullnbspnbsp nbspActively promote the rights of IDPsreturneesrefugees be protection and advocacy oriented and ensure gender mainstreaming in FS programming
    bullnbspnbsp nbspCarry out any other relevant task to the position as requested by the line manager

    Required skills and qualificationsnbspnbsp nbspnbspnbsp nbsp
    bullnbspnbsp nbspGood educational background in a relevant field such as agriculture livestock farming nbsp rural development economics social development nutrition andor environmental protection or other related field
    bullnbspnbsp nbspVery strong understanding of nutrition food security and livelihood related issues
    bullnbspnbsp nbspVery strong knowledge of Cash Transfer Programming
    bullnbspnbsp nbspAt least two yearsrsquo experience working with a NGO in a similar position
    bullnbspnbsp nbspExperience in running food security activities in emergency and recovery phases such as Cash Transfer Programming agriculture development livestock farming IGAs vocational skills trainings and small scale business
    Application Process
    To apply for the above positions please send you CV along with Cover letter to the following email .nbsp
    We encourage applicants to apply as soon as possible as due to the urgency of this position we will be shortlisted and interviewing concurrently whilst advertising . If a suitable candidate is identified we may appoint before the closing date.
    Finalizing recruitment subject to the availably of finding
    Deadline for Applications 10th nbsp of June 2015
    Please contact the following telephone should you have any further queries 967 1425447nbsp

    Only the short listed candidates will be contacted. Application received after the closing date will not be considered
    apply now
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