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    Airops Officer

    Job Profile
    The International Committee of the Red Cross ICRC is an independent neutral organization ensuring humanitarian protection and assistance for victims of war and armed violence. Please visit for more information.
    The ICRC is looking for a suitable candidate to fill the position ofnbsp
    nbspnbsp nbspAirops Officer
    nbspnbsp nbspPlace of Work Sana`a
    nbspnbsp nbspTerm of employment 6 moths

    Main tasks
    bullnbspnbsp nbspHandles all the passengers39 bookings for the ICRC aircraft andor other carriers
    bullnbspnbsp nbspIn charge of reporting and statistics of the department
    bullnbspnbsp nbspResponsible for the producing of cargo list and passengers manifest
    bullnbspnbsp nbspBriefing of the passengers and interlocutors on the ICRC flight procedures
    bullnbspnbsp nbspSupervision of the handling agents
    bullnbspnbsp nbspIn charge of collecting the invoices from the suppliers

    Selection requirementsnbsp
    bullnbspnbsp nbspUniversity degree or professional diploma
    bullnbspnbsp nbsp3 5 years work experience in a similar field
    bullnbspnbsp nbspGood knowledge of written and spoken English
    bullnbspnbsp nbspGood computer skills
    bullnbspnbsp nbspICRC trainingbriefing on airops SOP39s

    Application process
    Interested candidates should send the following
    bullnbspnbspnbsp nbspA letter of motivation in Englishnbsp
    bullnbspnbspnbsp nbspA detailed C.V. in Englishnbsp
    bullnbspnbspnbspnbspCopy only of the highest academic degree obtained Work certificatesnbsp

    Only short listed candidates will be contacted
    nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbspPlease send your applications to indicating Airops Officer on the subject
    nbsp nbsp
    nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp Email
    nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp

    Deadline to send your application 6.06.2015
    apply now

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