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TeachersLecturers needed in The University of Bamenda Cameroon - فرصتنا دوت كوم TeachersLecturers needed in The University of Bamenda Cameroon - فرصتنا دوت كوم
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    TeachersLecturers needed in The University of Bamenda Cameroon

    موقع وظائف
    We are currently recruiting lecturers and teacher every faculties and departments in the institution. We are a newly created University. If you think you have the necessary qualifications to the at the University level and is willing to teach and work in Cameroon then contact us with your complet CV and tell us which departmentFaculty you will be willing to teach in. When contacting make sure your email address is included in you CV or application.

    Native English speaker and French
    Bachelor degree or above
    Experience in teaching is not necessary but preferred
    Outgoing enthusiastic cooperative and excellent interactive ability


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    Item Reviewed: TeachersLecturers needed in The University of Bamenda Cameroon Rating: 5 Reviewed By: 66bitcoins
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