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Senior Protection Manager - فرصتنا دوت كوم Senior Protection Manager - فرصتنا دوت كوم
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    رسائل حب

    Senior Protection Manager

    Background/IRC Summary:
    The IRC Jordan program was established in 2007 and is currently operating programs in
    Jordan and southern Syria with an annual budget of $36 million; approximately $25 million is for southern Syria. The IRC is currently providing humanitarian assistance in southern Syria in the sectors of protection, health and economic recovery and development through partnerships with Syrian NGOs and provision of life-saving relief items. The Cross-Border program works closely with Syrian partnerships, often Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) which are able to provide emergency aid to conflict-affected Syrians. The program works with CBOs to strengthen their internal capacity to manage humanitarian interventions, foster their knowledge on humanitarian principles and SPHERE standards, and promote better coordination with other humanitarian actors working on the Syrian emergency response.
    Job Overview/Summary: IRC is recruiting a Senior Protection Manager (SPM) to oversee two key elements of the protection portfolio: capacity-building, and protection monitoring. The SPM will focus on the development of effective protection monitoring systems and tools, as well as analysis and succinct reporting of protection trends and issues of concern to feed into protection sector strategy development, IRC programming as well as relevant humanitarian coordination fora, such as the Protection Cluster. The SPM will also contribute to the continued development of the protection sector, including drafting proposals and budgets, under the guidance of the Coordinator for Integrated Protection and in close collaboration with other technical sector leads.
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    Item Reviewed: Senior Protection Manager Rating: 5 Reviewed By: 66bitcoins
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